Gretchen Hoffman, PhD

Gretchen Hoffman

Professor and Director, School of Library and Information Studies

Office: SH 404
Phone: 940-898-2152


PhD, Emporia State University, Library and Information Management
MLS, Emporia State University
BA, University of Nevada-Reno, Music

Research Interests

Library cataloging and classification; organization of information; subject analysis; cataloging/metadata work.


Gretchen Hoffman’s research and teaching interests center on the organization of information, specifically library cataloging. She focuses on issues surrounding the work of catalogers, the cataloging process and the administration of cataloging departments, with the broader goal to understand how cataloging/metadata work is performed in libraries.

Hoffman is currently the SLIS Director but continues to teach the following SLIS courses:

  • Indexing and Abstracting
  • Advanced Cataloging and Classification

Before becoming SLIS Director, she also taught the following courses:

  • Cataloging and Classification
  • Collection Development and Management
  • Information Organization

Selected Publications

Snow, Karen, and Gretchen L. Hoffman. Forthcoming. "Timeless Skills, Evolving Roles: The Technical Services Librarian." In Library Technical Services: Future Forward, edited by Mary Beth Weber and Melissa De Fino. Rowman & Littlefield. 

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2024. “Collections: General, Subject, and Special.” In Encyclopedia of Libraries, Librarianship, and Information Science, edited by David Baker and Lucy Ellis, vol. 2, 423-431. Elsevier.

Hoffman, Gretchen L., and Karen Snow, guest eds. “Cataloging and Classification: Back to Basics.” Special issue, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 59, no. 2-3 (2021).

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2019. Organizing Library Collections: Theory and Practice. 2019. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 

Snow, Karen, Gretchen L. Hoffman, Maurine McCourry, and Heather Moulaison Sandy. (2018). “Phoenix or Dodo?: Re-Envisioning Cataloging Education.” In Re-Envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education, edited by Lindsay C. Sarin, Johnna Percell, Paul T. Jaeger, and John Carlo Bertot. Advances in Librarianship. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2015. “What's the Difference between Soul Food and Southern Cooking? The Classification of Cookbooks in American Libraries.” In Dethroning the Deceitful Pork Chop: Rethinking African American Foodways from Slavery to Obama, edited by Jennifer Jensen Wallach, 61-78. Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press.

Snow, Karen, and Gretchen L. Hoffman. 2015. “What Makes an Effective Cataloging Course? A Study of the Factors That Promote Learning.” Library Resources & Technical Services 59: 187-199.

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2014. “Could the Functional Future of Bibliographic Control Change Cataloging Work? An Exploration Using Abbott.” In Functional Future for Bibliographic Control: Transitioning into New Communities of Practice and Awareness, edited by Shawne D. Miksa, 59-74. London: Routledge.

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2012. "Using the Quality Matters Rubric to Improve Online Cataloging Courses." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 50: 158-171.

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2012. "Could the Functional Future of Bibliographic Control Change Cataloging Work? An Exploration using Abbott." Journal of Library Metadata 12: 111-126.

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2010. "Negotiating Normative Institutional Pressures and Maintaining Legitimacy in a Complex Work Environment: A Multiple Case Study of Three Academic Cataloging Units." Advances in Library Administration and Organization 29: 243-292.

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2010. "Response to Barbara Tillett, re: Meeting Users' Needs in Cataloging: What is the Right Thing to Do?" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 48: 346-347.

Hoffman, Gretchen L. 2009. "Meeting Users' Needs in Cataloging: What is the Right Thing to Do?" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 47: 631-641.

Page last updated 12:31 PM, February 7, 2025