Minutes of the Meeting of November 1, 2013

The November 1, 2013 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mrs. Bancroft, Ms. Joleesia Berry, Ms. Anna Maria Farias, Mrs. Debbie Gibson, Mrs. Nancy Paup, Dr. Melissa Tonn, and Mrs. Mary Wilson, constituting a quorum.

Mrs. Bancroft announced that the Board would adjourn for Executive Closed Session regarding real estate, litigation, or personnel matters, under V.T.C.A., Government Code Sections 551.072, 551.071, and 551.074, respectively. At the conclusion of the Executive Closed Session, the Chair again called the meeting of the Board to order, a quorum being present.

The Board considered approval of the minutes of the joint meetings of the Finance & Audit Committee and Board of May 31 and August 9, 2013 and the Board meeting of August 16, 2013. Upon motion by Ms. Farias and second by Mrs. Wilson, these minutes were unanimously approved.

Mrs. Bancroft noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mrs. Bancroft then called for the Finance and Audit Committee items. Mrs. Wilson made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2235), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2236), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2237). The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gibson and all voted in favor.

Mrs. Bancroft called for consideration of Student Life Committee items. After motion by Ms. Farias and second by Dr. Tonn, the Board voted unanimously for approval of a Summer 2014 Renovation Project for Guinn and Stark Halls not to exceed $1.5 million from Pledged Auxiliary Fund Balance.

Mrs. Bancroft called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items. Mrs. Wilson made a motion, seconded by Ms. Farias, for approval of an amendment to Article III, Sections 2 and 2.4, of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents regarding standing committees of the Board by changing the name from the Committee on Institutional Development to the University Advancement Committee. All voted in favor. After motion by Dr. Tonn and second by Mrs. Gibson, the Board voted unanimously for acceptance of gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2238).

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Ann Stuart announced that the Doswell Family is having a “Remembrance” event tomorrow night to celebrate Mrs. Florence Doswell’s life and legacy. She commented that the event was not open to the public, but that she as well as faculty and staff from the T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center’s Houston J. and Florence A. Doswell College of Nursing had been invited. Mrs. Bancroft stated that she will also be there representing the Board.

Mrs. Bancroft then reminded everyone that Regent George Schrader will be honored by The Senior Source next week at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas where he will be presented with the 2013 Spirit of Generations Award. She said that the Board was fortunate and blessed to have Mr. Schrader on the Board. Regarding the Presidential Search, Mrs. Bancroft stated that the search continues and that the February 2014 Board of Regents meeting should be the last Board meeting for TWU’s gracious Chancellor Stuart, adding that a “destination” evening will be held the Thursday prior to the Board meeting and that she will be in touch with the Regents prior to that time.

As she brought the meeting to a close, Mrs. Bancroft thanked everyone for being at today’s meeting. There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Minutes of the Meeting of August 16, 2013

The August 16, 2013 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mrs. Bancroft, Ms. Joleesia Berry, Mrs. Lola Chriss, Ms. Anna Maria Farias, Mrs. Debbie Gibson, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, Mrs. Nancy Paup, Mr. George Schrader, and Mrs. Mary Wilson, constituting a quorum.

There was no executive session.

The Board considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of June 7, 2013 and of the teleconference of June 18, 2013.  Upon motion by Ms. Farias and second by Mrs. Paup, these minutes were unanimously approved.

Mrs. Bancroft noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mrs. Bancroft then called for the Finance and Audit Committee items.  Ms. Farias made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2226), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2227), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2228).  The motion was seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and all voted in favor.  A motion was made by Ms. Farias for approval of the FY 2014 Budget as presented to the Finance and Audit Committee of the Board of Regents on Friday, August 9, 2013 (Exhibit 2229), which was seconded by Mrs. Gibson and unanimously approved.  A motion was made by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, and all voted in favor, for approval to distribute an amount equal four percent of the University Endowment Corpus, which is approximately $435,249 to the TWU Endowment Distribution Accounts, this money to come from investment earnings and/or from Board Designated Tuition.  After motion by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and second by Mrs. Chriss, the Board voted unanimously for approval of the TWU Investment Policy (Exhibit 2230).  Ms. Farias made a motion for approval of the TWU Endowment Investment and Distribution Policy, which motion was seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and unanimously approved (Exhibit 2231).  Mrs. Wilson made a motion for approval of the Tax-Exempt Financing Compliance Policy (Exhibit 2232).  The motion was seconded by Ms. Farias and all voted in favor.  After motion by Ms. Farias and second by Mrs. Chriss, the Board voted unanimously for approval to extend the contract with Luther King Capital Management for one additional year for the management of the University endowment investments until August 31, 2014.  A motion was made by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, and all voted in favor, for approval to extend the contract with Vaughan Nelson Investment Management for one additional year for the management of the University investments until August 31, 2014.  Ms. Farias made a motion for approval of the extension of the General Land Office contract for natural gas for two additional years until August 31, 2015.  The motion was seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and unanimously approved.  Dr. Scanlon McGinity made a motion, seconded by Ms. Farias, for approval of the FY 2014 Annual Audit Plan of the Office of Internal Audits (Exhibit 2233).  All voted in favor.

Mrs. Bancroft called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items.  After motion by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and second by Mrs. Gibson, the Board voted unanimously for acceptance of gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2234).

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Ann Stuart commented on the theme of today’s meeting, hoping that the Regents, as part of this Board, feel proud of TWU and the accomplishments of its faculty and students presented earlier during the Committee meetings by Dr. Bob Neely, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Richard Nicholas, Vice President for Student Life.  With regard to the opening of school, Dr. Stuart noted that the Fall Assembly for faculty and staff will be held on Monday, August 19.  She said that the Assembly is hosted by the Provost’s Office and the Faculty Senate and that Board Chair Bancroft will also join the Assembly.

Regarding the new honor society in the Leadership Institute, Dr. Stuart called upon Maj. General Mary Saunders (Ret.), who is the Director of the Institute.  Maj. General Saunders distributed a brochure entitled, Omicron Delta Kappa – The National Leadership Honor Society and stated that this Honor Society is one of the oldest in the United States but is a first at TWU.  She gave a brief presentation about the Honor Society and pointed out that the Honor Society looks for students who excel in leadership and character and helps them develop both as members of the University community and as members of the community.  Mrs. Bancroft thanked Maj. General Saunders for her presentation.

Next, Dr. Stuart recognized Mr. John Lawhon, General Counsel and Secretary to the Board, and congratulated him on his retirement.  She said that he served under four presidents and chancellors during his time at TWU and that Mr. Lawhon kept the University in compliance and that his strength regarding legal issues kept the University out of litigation.  Dr. Stuart commented that she appreciated Mr. Lawhon’s preventive maintenance, which was valuable to her and to many others on Campus, including the Board of Regents.  She then presented him with a gift, which was a mesquite wood box with turquoise inlays.  Dr. Stuart noted that she found a wood maker in Bastrop, Texas that makes these boxes and started a tradition a decade ago, starting with the centennial year, of giving each outgoing Regent a box.  She said that legislators are given these boxes as well, adding that, as she visits legislators, she is very proud that they display these boxes in their offices.  Mr. Lawhon thanked Dr. Stuart and each of the Regents for their support and said that his favorite part of being at the University was working with the Regents.  Mrs. Bancroft noted that Mr. Lawhon is a treasure for the University; that he is well-known in Austin and is a legend in Denton County, serving as its prosecutor in the past.  She said it was a pleasure to work with him.

Mrs. Bancroft then recognized Regent Schrader and announced that The Senior Source will present Mr. Schrader with the 2013 Spirit of Generations Award.  She congratulated him and said that the Board was very proud of him since this award had only been presented to past mayors.

As she brought the meeting to a close, Mrs. Bancroft thanked everyone for being at today’s meeting.  There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Minutes of the Telephone Conference Call Meeting of June 18, 2013

The June 18, 2013 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order by its Chair at the appointed time and place.

The Chair, Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Ms. Joleesia Berry, Mrs. Lola Chriss, Ms. Anna Maria Farias, Mrs. Debbie Gibson, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, Ms. Nancy Paup, Mr. George Schrader, Dr. Melissa Tonn, and Mrs. Mary Wilson were present by telephone, constituting a quorum.

The Secretary to the Board, Mr. Lawhon, began with the following:  “I am John Lawhon, Secretary to the Board.  The date is June 18, 2013 and the time is 9:01 a.m.  This is a special called telephone conference call meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents, immediate action being required and the convening at one location of a quorum of the governing board being difficult. The meeting is being held at the 16th Floor of the ACT building at TWU, the location where meetings of the governing board are normally held.  This conference call is being recorded in the Board of Regents Room in Denton, as required by state law.  Therefore, will each participant please identify yourself early in your remarks so that the record will reflect who is speaking.  We will call the roll at this time to determine who is present on the telephone.”  Responding that they were present were Regents Bancroft, Berry, Chriss, Farias, Gibson, Scanlon McGinity, Paup, Schrader, Tonn, and Wilson.

Regent Bancroft then said, “I call the Board of Regents meeting to order and note that a quorum is present.  She called upon Mr. Lawhon, who said, “The motion to be considered today is for approval the demolition of the current University House and the construction of a new University House for an amount not to exceed $500,000; $175,000 to come from the Chancellor Circle Gift Fund and $325,000 from the Unrestricted Quasi Endowment, which use is here authorized.”  Mr. Lawhon then called upon Dr. Brenda Floyd, Vice President for Finance and Administration, for any comments on the proposed motion.  Dr. Floyd said that this has been discussed at the Finance and Audit Committee meeting and that she would entertain any questions at this time.  There were no questions, and Mrs. Bancroft asked, “Do I hear a motion to approve and a second?”  Regent Schrader thereupon made a motion to approve the demolition of the current University House and the construction of a new University House for an amount not to exceed $500,000; $175,000 to come from the Chancellor’s Circle Gift Fund and $325,000 from the Unrestricted Quasi Endowment, which use is here authorized, and that the record should reflect that traditionally we have provided a residence on campus at TWU in the best interest of the University and that after starting with plans to renovate the existing house we discovered it infeasible financially to do so and abandoned those plans.  The motion was seconded by Regent Wilson.  The Chair said, “Is there any discussion?”  Their being none, the Chair said, “All in favor say ‘aye’,” upon which all Regents said “aye.” The Chair then said, “All opposed say ‘no’,” upon which no Regents said “no.”  The motion passed unanimously.

The Chair thanked the Regents for their participation and said, “There being no further business the meeting is adjourned.”

Minutes of the Meeting of June 7, 2013

The June 7, 2013 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mrs. Bancroft, Ms. Joleesia Berry, Mrs. Lola Chriss, Ms. Anna Maria Farias, Mrs. Debbie Gibson, Ms. Nancy Paup, Mr. George Schrader, Dr. Melissa Tonn, and Mrs. Mary Wilson, constituting a quorum.

Mrs. Bancroft announced that the Board would adjourn for Executive Closed Session regarding real estate, litigation, or personnel matters, including faculty for promotion, tenure, and emeritus status, under V.T.C.A., Government Code Sections 551.072, 551.071, and 551.074, respectively.  At the conclusion of the Executive Closed Session, the Chair again called the meeting of the Board to order, a quorum being present.

The Board considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of February 22, 2013 and of the teleconference of April 5, 2013.  Upon motion by Mrs. Wilson and second by Mrs. Chriss, these minutes were unanimously approved. 

Mrs. Bancroft noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mrs. Bancroft then called for the Finance and Audit Committee items.  Ms. Farias made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2217), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2218), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2219).  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Gibson and all voted in favor.  A motion was made by Mrs. Wilson for approval of the Seventh Supplemental Resolution to the Master Resolution authorizing the issuance, sale, and delivery of Board of Regents of Texas Woman's University Revenue Financing System Refunding Bonds, Series 2013, and approving and authorizing instruments and procedures relating thereto (Exhibit 2220), which was seconded by Ms. Farias and unanimously approved.  A motion was made by Ms. Farias, seconded by Mrs. Gibson, and all voted in favor, for approval of the following projects:  1.) Temporary parking lot at Pirtle and Frame Streets for an amount not to exceed $300,000 from unbudgeted interest earnings, 2.) Renovation of three floors in Guinn Residence Hall for an amount not to exceed $490,000 from the Pledged Auxiliary Fund Balance (Exhibit 2221), 3.) Implementation of Sedona Software and Curriculum Vitae Publication for an amount not to exceed $60,000 from the Publication Fee Fund Balance, 4.) Purchase and implementation of an On-line Academic Content Management System (on-line catalog) for an amount not to exceed $150,000 from the Publication Fee Fund Balance, and 5.) Purchase and installation of a Content Management System to operate the Texas Woman's University Website in an amount not to exceed $100,000 from the Publication Fee Fund Balance.  After motion by Ms. Farias and second by Mrs. Wilson, the Board voted unanimously for approval to designate the campuses of Texas Woman's University located in Denton, Dallas, and Houston and all other TWU facilities “Tobacco Free,” and authorize the Chancellor and President to develop specific policies to implement the “University Tobacco-Free Policy.”

Mrs. Bancroft called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items.  Dr. Tonn made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Chriss, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2222).  All voted in favor.

Mrs. Bancroft called for consideration of Student Life Committee items.  After motion by Ms. Farias and second by Mr. Schrader, the Board voted unanimously for approval to award up to $1,000,000 in grants to TWU students in lieu of State Financial Aid Funds pending Texas Legislature Budget Appropriation approval, such funds to come from the Scholarship Interest Earnings Fund Balance.

Mrs. Bancroft next called for consideration of Academic Affairs Committee items.  Mr. Schrader made a motion for approval of faculty development leaves as listed in Exhibit 2223.  The motion was seconded by Mrs. Chriss and all voted in favor.  A motion for approval of the proposed revision to the Faculty Emeritus Policy, was made by Mrs. Chriss, seconded by Mrs. Gibson, and unanimously passed (Exhibit 2224).  Mrs. Wilson made a motion, seconded by Ms. Paup, for approval of faculty for promotion and/or tenure and retiring faculty for emeritus status, the University having followed the required process and having met and competed the required standards, these approvals being recommended by the Provost and Chancellor and President, as set out in Exhibit 2225.  All voted in favor.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Stuart announced that immediately following the conclusion of the morning business meeting, the Regents and Vice Presidents were invited to attend a celebratory luncheon in the Multi-purpose Room 3620 on the third floor at the TWU T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center.

As she brought the meeting to a close, Mrs. Bancroft thanked everyone for being at today’s meeting.  There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Minutes of the Telephone Conference Call Meeting of April 5, 2013

The April 5, 2013 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order by its Chair at the appointed time and place.

The Chair, Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Ms. Adriana Blanco, Ms. Lola Chriss, Ms. Anna Maria Farias, Mrs. Debbie Gibson, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, Ms. Nancy Paup, Mr. George Schrader, Dr. Melissa Tonn, and Mrs. Mary Wilson were present by telephone, constituting a quorum.

The Secretary to the Board, Mr. Lawhon, began with the following:  “I am John Lawhon, Secretary to the Board.  The date is April 5, 2013 and the time is 9:00 a.m.  This is a special called telephone conference call meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents, immediate action being required and the convening at one location of a quorum of the governing board being difficult. The meeting is being held at the 16th Floor of the ACT building at TWU, the location where meetings of the governing board are normally held.  This conference call is being recorded in the Board of Regents Room in Denton, as required by state law.  Therefore, will each participant please identify yourself early in your remarks so that the record will reflect who is speaking.  We will call the roll at this time to determine who is present on the telephone.”  Responding that they were present were Regents Bancroft, Blanco, Chriss, Farias, Gibson, Scanlon McGinity, Paup, Schrader, Tonn, and Wilson.

Regent Bancroft then said, “I call the Board of Regents meeting to order and note that a quorum is present.  She called upon Mr. Lawhon, who said, “The motion to be considered today is for approval to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with The Brandt Companies for chiller capacity upgrade at a cost not to exceed $2,005,850, the funds to come from Board Designated Tuition Fund Balance.”  Mr. Lawhon then introduced Dr. Brenda Floyd, Vice President for Finance and Administration, who discussed the proposed motion.  Mrs. Bancroft asked, “Do I hear a motion to approve and a second?”  After a motion to approve was made by Regent Wilson and seconded by Regent Chriss, the Chair said, “Is there any discussion?”  Their being none, the Chair said, “All in favor say ‘aye’,” upon which all Regents said “aye.” The Chair then said, “All opposed say ‘no’,” upon which no Regents said “no.”  The motion passed unanimously.

The Chair thanked the Regents for their participation and said, “There being no further business the meeting is adjourned.”

Minutes of the Meeting of February 22, 2013

The February 22, 2013 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Mike McCullough, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. McCullough, Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Ms. Adriana Blanco, Ms. Lola Chriss, Mrs. Debbie Gibson, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Mr. George Schrader, Dr. Melissa Tonn, and Mrs. Mary Wilson, constituting a quorum.

There was no executive session.

The first item of business was the election of Officers of the Board.  Mrs. Wilson nominated Mrs. Bancroft as Board Chair and Presiding Officer.  Mrs. Bancroft nominated Mrs. Wilson as Board Vice Chair and Assistant Presiding Officer. There being no further nominations, Mrs. Bancroft was unanimously elected, and there being no further nominations, Mrs. Wilson was unanimously elected.  Mr. McCullough nominated Mr. John Lawhon as Secretary to the Board. There being no further nominations, Mr. Lawhon was unanimously elected.  Mr. McCullough congratulated each of the elected officers and handed the gavel to Mrs. Bancroft.  He stated that he wanted to take this opportunity to tell each of the Regents that he saluted their dedicated service to TWU, that it was an honor to serve this University and distinguished Board, and that he appreciated their confidence in him to serve as Chair of the Board.  Mr. McCullough said that the success and national recognition of TWU is due to the leadership efforts of Chancellor and President Ann Stuart and the Board, including the Student Regent.  With appreciation, he said, he leaves this Board, who is now in the hands of the astute and charming Mrs. Bancroft.  Mrs. Bancroft thanked Mr. McCullough and stated that it was a pleasure having him as Chair of this Board; that his leadership represented the University very well all over the State, but especially in Dallas; and that there was not a better example of a Board Chair.

Next, the Board considered approval of the minutes of the Board of November 16, 2012.  Upon motion by Mrs. Gibson and second by Mrs. Wilson, these minutes were unanimously approved.

Mrs. Bancroft noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mrs. Bancroft then called for the Finance and Audit Committee items.  Ms. Chriss made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2199), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2200), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2201).  The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and all voted in favor.  A motion was made by Mr. McCullough for approval to enter into an agreement with LOGIC (Local Government Investment Cooperative) and to approve the Resolution in Exhibit 2202 for the purpose of investing funds in a state-approved investment pool for Texas government entities, which was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved.  A motion was made by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Mrs. Gibson, and all voted in favor, for approval to expand the Depository Banking Agreement with BBVA Compass to include the option of a stand-alone public money market account (Exhibit 2203).  After motion by Dr. Moreno and second by Ms. Gibson, the Board voted unanimously for approval to increase Board Designated Tuition by $8.36 per semester credit hour from $121.84 per semester credit hour to $130.20, effective immediately (Exhibit 2204).  Mrs. Gibson made a motion for approval to increase Differential Tuition for Dental Hygiene and Nursing; to begin charging Differential Tuition for the School of Management, Department of Health Studies, Department of Communication Sciences, School of Library & Information Studies, and the Department of Fashion and Textiles; and to add a Personal Music Lesson Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2205, effective Fall 2013.  The motion was seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and all voted in favor.  Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval of an increase in the Housing Room Rates as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2206, effective Fall 2013, which motion was seconded by Mrs. Wilson and unanimously approved.  A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mrs. Gibson, and all voted in favor, for approval of an increase in the Meal Plan Rates as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2207, effective Fall 2013.  Mrs. Wilson made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Schrader and unanimously approved, for approval of a decrease in the Fitness and Recreation Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2208, effective Fall 2013.  A motion was made by Mrs. Gibson, seconded by Dr. Moreno, and all voted in favor, for approval of an increase in the Student Union Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2209, effective Fall 2013.  In an effort to facilitate going forward with the presidential search, Mrs. Bancroft stated that Item VI.J. of the Agenda will be considered by the full Board at this time; therefore, a motion was made by Mr. McCullough to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with a vendor to provide search assistance for the position of Chancellor and President, which was seconded by Mrs. Wilson and unanimously approved.  Mrs. Bancroft noted that Item VI.K. of the Agenda had been removed from consideration at this time.  Next, Dr. Scanlon McGinity moved for approval to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with Quality Excavation, LTD for repaving of Old Main Drive at a cost not to exceed $536,000, the funds to come from Board Designated Tuition Fund Balance (Exhibit 2210), which was seconded by Mrs. Gibson.  All voted in favor.  A motion for approval of the Audit Charter of the Office of Internal Audits (Exhibit 2211) was made by Mr. McCullough, seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, and unanimously passed.

Mrs. Bancroft called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items.  Dr. Moreno made a motion, seconded by Ms. Chris, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2212).  All voted in favor.

Mrs. Bancroft next called for consideration of Academic Affairs Committee items.  After motion by Dr. Moreno and second by Mrs. Gibson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the proposal from the School of Occupational Therapy for a Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) degree, authorizing the courses to be taught in a hybrid format, that is, by distance and face-to-face delivery, subject to approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (Exhibit 2213).  Mrs. Gibson next made a motion for approval of the proposal from the Department of Teacher Education for distance delivery of the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education, subject to approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (Exhibit 2214).  The motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and all voted in favor.  A motion for approval of technology projects listed in Exhibit 2215 in the amount of $550,000, to be funded from Technology Fee Fund Balance, was made by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, and unanimously passed.

Mrs. Bancroft called for consideration of Student Life Committee items.  A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mr. Schrader, and all voted in favor, for approval of an expenditure of up to $188,540 from the Pledged Auxiliary Fund for the purchase of furniture for overflow housing.  After motion by Mr. Schrader and second by Mrs. Wilson, the Board voted unanimously for approval of a Hubbard Hall Project to be funded from Pledged Auxiliary Fund Balance in the amount of $473,000 as set out in Exhibit 2216.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Stuart began by stating that she had three brags that are reflective of the University’s aspirations.  First, she said, Texas Woman's University was invited to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, where TWU was recognized for excellence on the TWU Institute of Health Sciences – Houston Center and the TWU T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center.  She said that she and Mr. Harold Johnson, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Construction, gave a presentation on the energy efficiency of the two centers and TWU’s continued efforts to increase partnerships, develop collaborations, and secure other sources of funding to extend and maximize limited resources.  Second, Dr. Stuart commented that she and Dr. Brenda Floyd, Vice President for Finance and Administration, provided testimony before the House and Senate Higher Education Committees last year and said that legislators responded in a nice way with touching and reaffirming comments being made about the University during the last decade, and that TWU is well-positioned with legislature.  Third, she mentioned that The Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum is presenting a multi-part lecture series featuring Texas women describing their impact on the State.  Dr. Stuart said that she is thrilled to be the inaugural speaker during the exhibition entitled, Women Shaping Texas in the 20th Century, where she will give a presentation and hold a discussion about the importance and challenges of educating future generations of Texas women.  She added that an invitation will be sent to all the Regents.

Dr. Stuart then announced that every TWU Regent whom she served under, starting in 1999 and including the Regents just going off the Board, were invited to a luncheon during the regular Board of Regents meeting of June 7, 2013 at the TWU T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center, to reconnect.

In appreciation of Regents going off the Board, Dr. Stuart recognized Mr. McCullough, Dr. Moreno, Mr. Schrader and Ms. Blanco and thanked them for their special relationships and service on the Board.  She presented each with a gift, which was a mesquite wood box with turquoise inlays.  Dr. Stuart noted that she found a wood maker in Bastrop, Texas that makes these boxes and started a tradition a decade ago of giving each outgoing Regent a box.  She said that legislators are given these boxes as well, adding that, as she visits legislators, she is very proud that they display these boxes in their offices.  Dr. Stuart also presented each of the outgoing Regents with a framed Resolution, signed by Governor Rick Perry, for their contributions as a TWU Regent.

Regarding the Senate Finance Committee testimony, Dr. Stuart stated that a committee is being formed on governance in institutions of higher education.  She said that, as has been reported in newspapers everywhere, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst defended The University of Texas - Austin President Bill Powers before the Senate.  Dr. Stuart commented that this committee will look at the relationship between Regents and the administration of institutions of higher education, where Regents oversee policy decisions without micromanaging an institution.  She thanked the TWU Regents for the wisdom they provide TWU.  Dr. Stuart stated that problems arise when Regents step over to look at operational issues instead of the vision of an institution.  She said that TWU’s administration depends on its Board to help the University stay on course, to be aspirational in the goals and vision of the University, and, lastly, to trust the administration to do their jobs in moving the University forward.

With regard to the upcoming Legislative Reception, Dr. Stuart distributed the invitation to the Board members that was sent to many important state leaders, including Senators Judith Zaffirini, Royce West, Craig Estes, and Representative Myra Crownover.  The reception, she said, would be held on Tuesday, February 26, to thank state leaders for their support of TWU as she prepares to retire in 2014.  Dr. Stuart noted that 54 individuals had already responded, stating that that the reception will be held in The Read Room of The Headliners Club in Austin and will be hosted by Regent Wilson.

Next, outgoing Regents made a few remarks.  Dr. Moreno thanked Dr. Stuart and commended the work that is being done to promote TWU.  She said that being on this Board has been a unique experience for her, starting at TWU as a student, continuing to receive benefits from the University throughout the years, and now as a Regent.  Dr. Moreno stated that TWU’s uniqueness provides many opportunities and good programs for students, but only wished that more students from Laredo had the chance to attend TWU.  Mrs. Bancroft thanked Dr. Moreno for her service on the Board and said that the Board was very fortunate and grateful to have her, Mr. McCullough, and Mr. Schrader and that much has been learned from their participation.  To Mr. Schrader, she said, it was only “arrivederci.”  Mr. Schrader stated that it was a pleasure to serve on this Board and that he takes pride in being associated with the University.  Mrs. Bancroft noted that his experience and knowledge in the business world is very good for the University and prays that the governor will reappoint him to the Board.

In closing, Dr. Stuart brought the Board’s attention to the brochures at each of their places.  The brochures, she said, are entitled, TWU Alumni Connection Guide, and called upon Ms. Anne Scott, Director of Alumni Relations, who explained that during the summertime the structure of the Alumni Relations and the Former Student Association (FSA) changed.  She mentioned that the model, now in place, provides a strong central office that has numerous ways to reach a diverse population.  Ms. Scott indicated that these brochures are placed on each students chair during commencement along with an alumni decal.  The brochure, she said, gives students information on how they can connect to TWU after graduation by providing the web address for the TWU Alumni Relations Office, which gives them opportunities to connect on the web to develop professional networking through Linkedin and social networking on Facebook, to connect in person through alumni networks and chartered alumni groups, and also provides a form to update addresses and to indicate their interests.  Dr. Stuart thanked Ms. Scott for her update and also acknowledged Dr. Patricia Edwards, President of FSA.  She noted that the FSA Charter approved by the Board during the last meeting has allowed the Alumni Relations Office to make great strides by combining efforts to reach as many alumni as possible.  Mrs. Bancroft commented that an important part is that students can participate electronically, from networking to finding jobs nationally to supporting the University.  Mr. McCullough stated that, as a University of Texas alumna, he is often approached to attend and to donate gifts during class reunions and asked if alumni at TWU are invited back to the University by hosting class reunions and soliciting gifts.  Ms. Scott responded that FSA has been coordinating class reunions for years in five-year increments up to 50 years.

As she brought the meeting to a close, Mrs. Bancroft thanked Dr. Stuart for her reports.  There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Page last updated 9:51 AM, April 16, 2021