Minutes of the Telephone Conference Call Meeting of November 13, 2009

The November 13, 2009 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order by its Chair at the appointed time and place. The Chair, Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Ms. Lola Chriss, Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Mr. Mike McCullough, Ms. Rae Lynn McFarlin, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, and Mrs. Mary Wilson were present by telephone, constituting a quorum.

The Secretary to the Board, Mr. Lawhon, began with the following: “I am John Lawhon, Secretary to the Board. The date is November 13, 2009 and the time is 8:02 a.m. This is a special called telephone conference call meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents, immediate action being required and the convening at one location of a quorum of the governing board being difficult. The meeting is being held at the 16th Floor of the ACT building at TWU, the location where meetings of the governing board are normally held. This conference call is being recorded in the Board of Regents Room in Denton, as required by state law. Therefore, will each participant please identify yourself early in your remarks so that the record will reflect who is speaking. We will call the roll at this time to determine who is present on the telephone.” Responding that they were present were Regents Crumpacker, Bancroft, Chriss, Dykes, McCullough, McFarlin, Scanlon McGinity, and Wilson.

Regent Crumpacker then said, “I call the Board of Regents meeting to order and note that a quorum is present. I will call on Mr. Lawhon to brief the Regents on today’s business.” Mr. Lawhon said, “The first motion to be considered today is for approval of the Fifth Supplemental Resolution to the Master Resolution authorizing the issuance, sale, and delivery of Board of Regents of Texas Woman’s University Revenue Financing System Bonds, Series 2009A; and approving and authorizing instruments and procedures relating thereto as set out in Exhibit 1 and appointing the Vice President for Finance and Administration at Texas Woman’s University as the authorized representative referred to in said Resolution as set out in Exhibit 1.” Mr. Crumpacker asked, “Do I hear a motion to approve and a second?” After a motion to approve was made by Regent Dykes and seconded by Regent McCullough, the Chair said, “Is there any discussion?” There being no further discussion, the Chair said, “All in favor say ‘aye’,” upon which all Regents said “aye.” The Chair then said, “All opposed say ‘no’,” upon which no Regents said “no.” The Chair announced that the motion passed.

Mr. Lawhon said, “The second motion to be considered today is for approval for the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with Core Construction in the amount not to exceed $9.5 million for the construction of the new Fitness and Recreation Building at the Denton Campus. Dr. Brenda Floyd, Vice President for Finance and Administration, called upon Mr. Harold Johnson, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Construction, who explained that the project bidding process was extremely good and that the project LEED’s (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) pursuit is good for the University and its students. Mr. Crumpacker then asked, “Do I hear a motion to approve and a second?” After a motion to approve was made by Regent Chriss and seconded by Regent Dykes, the Chair said, “Is there any discussion?” There being no further discussion, the Chair said, “All in favor say ‘aye’,” upon which all Regents said “aye.” The Chair then said, “All opposed say ‘no’,” upon which no Regents said “no.” The Chair announced that the motion passed.

The Chair thanked the Regents for their participation and said, “There being no further business the meeting is adjourned.”

Minutes of the Meeting of November 6, 2009

The November 6, 2009 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Mr. Mike McCullough, Ms. Rae Lynn McFarlin, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, Mr. George Schrader, and Mrs. Mary Wilson, constituting a quorum.

There was no executive session.

The Board considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of August 21, 2009. Upon motion by Mr. Schrader and second by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items. Mrs. Bancroft made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2068), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2069), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2070). The motion was seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and unanimously approved. After motion by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and second by Mr. McCullough, the Board voted unanimously for approval to increase the Science Building Construction Project by $475,000, this money to be held in owner’s contingency for unanticipated requirements and would come from Combined Fee Revenue Bond – Series 2000, the current Project budget being $26,446,168. Next, a motion was made by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and seconded by Mrs. Wilson for approval to increase the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades Project by $900,000 to accommodate the increased electrical load resulting from the construction of the new Fitness and Recreation Center, the money to come from the Tuition Revenue Bonds – Series 2002. All voted in favor. Dr. Scanlon McGinity made a motion for approval for the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with Humphrey and Associates, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $1.335 million for the Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades Project at the Denton Campus (Exhibit 2071), which motion was seconded by Mrs. Bancroft and unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that Item V. E. was passed to the next Board meeting. A motion was made by Dr. Scanlon McGinity to approve a resolution approving an application for funding through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds (Exhibit 2072), which was seconded by Mr. Schrader, and all voted in favor. After motion by Mrs. Wilson and second by Mrs. Bancroft, the Board voted unanimously to authorize expenditure of funds from University Reserves in advance of receiving reimbursements from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds. A motion was made by Mr. Schrader and seconded by Mrs. Bancroft to amend the TWU Endowment Investment and Distribution Policy (Exhibit 2073). All voted in favor.

Mr. Crumpacker then called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items. Mrs. Wilson made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bancroft, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2074). All voted in favor. Next, Mr. Crumpacker called for Academic Affairs Committee items. Mrs. Bancroft made a motion for approval of a proposed amendment to the Faculty Senate Constitution by adding the Faculty Handbook Committee to the list of Faculty Senate Standing Committees (Exhibit 2075). The motion was seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilson and seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity for approval to offer the Master of Arts in Drama in a “blended” distance education format (Exhibit 2076). All voted in favor. Mrs. Bancroft made a motion for approval to offer the Master of Science in Nutrition in a 100% online format (Exhibit 2077), which motion was seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity and unanimously approved.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of Student Life Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion, seconded by Mr. McCullough, for approval of an increase in Room Rates as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2078, effective Fall 2010. All voted in favor. Mr. Schrader made a motion for approval of an increase in Board Rates as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2079, effective Fall 2010, which motion was seconded by Mrs. Bancroft and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mrs. Wilson and seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, and all voted in favor, for approval of an expenditure of up to $143,000 from the ID Fee Fund Balance for updates to the ID/Entry Access System. After motion by Mrs. Wilson and second by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, the Board voted unanimously for approval of an expenditure of up to $70,000 from the Fitness and Recreation Fee Fund Balance for purchase of equipment for the new Dallas Campus Fitness Center. A motion was made by Mrs. Bancroft and seconded by Mr. Schrader to designate the previously approved International Student Service Fee as an Incidental Fee. All voted in favor.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Ann Stuart commented that during the August Board meeting Mr. Crumpacker asked that efforts and funding should also be used to broaden and to promote the University’s image. She then referred Exhibit 20, which showed the schedule of activities and plans for the Decade of Achievement Marketing Campaign, and called upon Ms. Carolyn Barnes, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communication, to elaborate. Ms. Barnes described the launch of the Decade of Achievement website as well as the preparation and distribution of brochures, radio and print ads, and other media being used for this Campaign, such as the Love Field terminal displays, billboards in the Dallas area, and ads on the DART buses and on the Love Field shuttles—The Spot, which celebrate and highlight the University’s remarkable achievements and accomplishments. She added that the theme of the first series of ads will be the “Decade of Opportunity” and that other themes will be developed within the overall theme of the Campaign. Ms. Barnes stated that the reasons for promoting the University in this manner are for competitiveness and for awareness. She said that other universities actively promote their reputations and stressed that it is important for TWU to do the same. The University, Ms. Barnes stated, has a responsibility to increase its students’ degree value, benefiting the student as well as the University, and that 2010 will be a milestone year for TWU. In conclusion, she commented that this Campaign will show how far TWU has come and, at the end of the Campaign, it will show how far TWU is willing to go.

Regarding the TWU Science Building, Dr. Stuart reported that move-in for one expansion part of the Project will occur over the Christmas Holiday break, that renovation of the old part of the building will begin thereafter, and that the new building will open during Fall 2011. She suggested having the Regent luncheon during the February Board meeting in the atrium of the TWU Science Building. In conclusion, Dr. Stuart complimented Ms. Carolyn Ishee, Executive Director for Institutional Development, on the Fort Worth event, where Ms. Nancy Paup, a new TWU Foundation Board member, agreed to host the Committee at a great country club and suggested that Mr. John Harper, a new member of the Foundation Board also, should consider doing the same in Houston.

As he brought the meeting to a close, Mr. Crumpacker thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting, especially Mrs. Wilson, who was attending her first meeting as a member of the Board of Regents.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Minutes of the Joint Meeting of October 26, 2009

The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents Finance and Audit Committee met in joint meeting with Board of Regents at the appointed time and place at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 26, 2009 in Room 277 at the Faye Pannell Hall (Education Bldg.) at the TWU Parkland Campus. A quorum of each was present. Those Committee and Board members attending were Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair, Mr. Mike McCullough, Committee Chair, Mr. George Schrader, Mrs. Virginia Dykes, and Mrs. Mary Wilson constituting a quorum of the Committee and Board.

The group received informational items on the Investment Report from Hester Capital Management and Vaughan Nelson Investment Management, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and how it affects and will affect TWU and its budgetary efforts, and the bond sale for the Fitness and Recreation Center. No votes were taken.

There being no further business, the joint meeting of the Board of Regents and Finance and Audit Committee was adjourned.

Minutes of the Meeting of August 21, 2009

The August 21, 2009 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Ms. Lola Chriss, Mr. Mike McCullough, Ms. Rae Lynn McFarlin, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, and Mr. George Schrader, constituting a quorum.

There was no executive session.

The Board considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of June 5, 2009. Upon motion by Dr. Moreno and second by Mrs. Bancroft, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items. Mr. McCullough made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2056), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2057), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2058). The motion was seconded by Mrs. Bancroft and unanimously approved. After motion by Mrs. Bancroft and second by Mr. McCullough, the Board voted unanimously to approve the FY 2010 Budget as presented to the Finance and Audit Committee of the Board of Regents on Friday, August 14, 2009 (Exhibit 2059). Mr. Crumpacker noted that this is the first year in the budget process where the University will be moving toward full compliance with the cost-based Instruction and Operations Formula funding and complimented Dr. Brenda Floyd, Vice President for Finance and Administration, and her staff for doing an exceptional job in reformulating the budget. He added that he is proud of the University’s fairly rigorous recruiting program, which has been quite successful for some years, and stated that it occurred to some Regents that efforts and funding should continue with the recruitment of students, but that it should also be broadened to include the promotion of TWU’s image. Mr. Crumpacker then asked Chancellor Ann Stuart, on behalf of the Regents, to report in November on a broadening image promotion of the University. Next, a motion was made by Mrs. Bancroft and seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity to distribute an amount equal to four (4) percent of the University Endowment Corpus, which is approximately $374,000, to the TWU Endowment Distribution Accounts, this money to come from Board Designated Tuition. All voted in favor. Mrs. Bancroft made a motion to increase the contract with HKS and Associates by $362,000 for a total of $3,662,000 for the design a 600-parking-space garage capable of supporting future expansion at the TWU T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences-Dallas Center, which motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mr. McCullough to request the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to approve the construction of a new Fitness and Recreation Building at the Denton Campus in an amount of $17.5 million, which was seconded by Mrs. Bancroft, and all voted in favor. After motion by Mrs. Bancroft and second by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, the Board voted unanimously to sell Revenue Financing System Bonds in the amount of $17.5 million for a new Fitness and Recreation Building at the Denton Campus, debt service for these bonds to be funded from the Recreation Fee for a period of twenty (20) years. A motion was made by Mr. McCullough and seconded by Mr. Schrader for approval of the Red Flag Policy (relating to Identity theft) as required by recent federal regulations (Exhibit 2060). All voted in favor. Next, Mrs. Bancroft made a motion to purchase the property at 1119 Frame Street, Denton, Texas for $101,250, this being within the Master Plan Area for the Denton Campus and funds to purchase this property to come from Designated Tuition Fund Balance. The motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mrs. Bancroft to approve the FY 2010 Annual Audit Plan of the Internal Audit Department (Exhibit 2061). All voted in favor.

Mr. Crumpacker then called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items. Mr. McCullough made a motion, seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2062). All voted in favor.

Next, Mr. Crumpacker called for Academic Affairs Committee items. The first item was for a new Differential Tuition of $25 per semester credit hour for undergraduate and graduate Nursing courses, to be effective Fall 2010. Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval of a new Differential Tuition of $25 per semester credit hour for undergraduate and graduate Nursing courses (Exhibit 2063). The motion was seconded by Mrs. Bancroft and unanimously approved. Next was consideration of an increase in Board Authorized Tuition for graduate courses from $40 per semester credit hour to $45 per semester credit hour, to be effective Fall 2010. A motion was made by Mrs. Bancroft and seconded by Dr. Scanlon McGinity for approval of an increase in Board Authorized Tuition for graduate courses from $40 per semester credit hour to $45 per semester credit hour (Exhibit 2064). All voted in favor. Mr. McCullough made a motion for approval of a Library Fee of $9 per semester credit hour to replace the current flat fee of $50 per student per semester (Exhibit 2065), which motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. This fee is to be effective Fall 2010.

Mr. Crumpacker then called for consideration of the Information Services Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion, seconded by Mr. McCullough, to transfer Technology Fees from Fund Balance to Technology and Information Services for classroom technology equipment replacements (Exhibit 2066). All voted in favor.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of Student Life Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion to authorize the expenditure of up to twenty (20) percent of the Student Service Fee Fund Balance Reserve annually through a Student Life Operating Reserve Account (Exhibit 2067), which motion was seconded by Mrs. Bancroft and unanimously approved.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Stuart thanked the Regents for attending. She referred to Exhibit 23, entitled Selected List of 2009 – 2010 Activities to be led by Chancellor and commented that these activities are all related to enrollment and/or retention or to strengthening the University as it relates to reputation and mission.

Next, Dr. Stuart recognized Maj. Gen. Mary Saunders, Ret. USAF, Executive Director of the TWU Leadership Institute, and announced that Ms. Saunders is one of only 30 women from across the United States selected to be a member of the Leadership America Class of 2009. Ms. Saunders gave the Regents a brief history of Leadership America and described the organization’s goals, which recognize and bring together women who have achieved success in their professions, their communities, and beyond and equips them with the latest information on and innovations in the economy, technology, and global trade. She stated that she is proud to represent TWU in Leadership America and that she expects to bring back a knowledge base and tools to be a more effective leader for the University and to see how this information affects the University.

Dr. Stuart then complimented the faculty and staff on the budget process, stating that it was a collaborative and very successful effort.

In conclusion, Dr. Stuart circulated the D Magazine’s The Best of Big D edition, which featured Ms. Sunny Jacquet, a graduate of TWU, as one of the up-and-coming artist in Dallas. She also circulated the Public Purpose Magazine, published by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, that featured an article on the challenges associated with preservation of historical buildings and that included a picture of the Old Main Building on the TWU Denton Campus. She recognized Ms. Carolyn Barnes, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications, and Facilities Management in this effort. Dr. Stuart informed the Regents that, as they have heard today, students, faculty, and staff are recognized for their awards and achievements in an effort to demonstrate that we are raising the profile of the University locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally. She then reminded the Regents of Governor Rick Perry’s press conference next week and stated that further details would be sent to them. Dr. Stuart invited the Regents to tour the exterior of the TWU Science Building and the site of the new Fitness and Recreation Center on Bell Avenue and to view the signage in recognition of our former Regent, Dr. Lou Halsell Rodenberger, at the Mary Evelyn Blagg Huey Library. She concluded by stating that the TWU Flute Choir will perform at the Library, adding that the Flute Choir just returned from performing in New York City.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Minutes of the Meeting of June 5, 2009

At the conclusion of the Academic Affairs Committee meeting, and at the appointed time and place, Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Chair and Presiding Officer of the Board of Regents, then called the full Board of Regents meeting to order, a quorum being present, and announced that the Board would adjourn for Executive Closed Session regarding real estate, litigation, or personnel matters, including faculty for promotion, tenure, and emeritus status, under V.T.C.A., Government Code Sections 551.072, 551.071, and 551.074, respectively. He added that the Executive Session will be held in Room 105 of the TWU Presbyterian Campus and will be followed in the same room by an “open” session for lunch and the New Regent Orientation. Then, Mr. Crumpacker said, the regular full Board and Committee meetings will again commence in the James W. Aston Auditorium. At the conclusion of the Executive Closed Session, the Chair again called the meeting of the Board to order, a quorum being present, and adjourned the full Board meeting until the remainder of the Committee meetings could be concluded.

After all of the Board Committee meetings had been concluded, the June 5, 2009 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was again called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Mrs. Sue Bancroft, Ms. Lola Chriss, Mr. Mike McCullough, Ms. Rae Lynn McFarlin, Dr. Ann Scanlon McGinity, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, and Mr. George Schrader, constituting a quorum.

The Board considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of February 20, 2009 and of the teleconference meeting of February 25, 2009. Upon motion by Mr. McCullough and second by Ms. Chriss, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items. Mr. McCullough made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2040), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2041), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2042). The motion was seconded by Mrs. Bancroft and unanimously approved. After motion by Mrs. Bancroft and second by Mr. McCullough, the Board voted unanimously for approval of the TWU Investment Policy (Exhibit 2043). A motion was made by Mrs. Bancroft for approval of the TWU Endowment Investment and Distribution Policy (Exhibit 2044), which was seconded by Mr. Schrader, and all voted in favor. Next, Mrs. Bancroft made a motion for approval of a one-year extension of the current Hester Capital Management, L.L.C. contract as operating funds investment manager for FY 2010. The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mrs. Bancroft for approval of a one-year extension of the current Vaughan Nelson Investment Management, LP contract as endowment funds investment manager for FY 2010. All voted in favor. Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval of a resolution authorizing TWU to participate in TexPool Prime and to designate Dr. Brenda Floyd, Robert Tuggle, and Kelly McCullar as authorized representatives (Exhibit 2045), which motion was seconded by Mr. Schrader and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mrs. Bancroft for approval to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with the Texas General Land Office for the provision of natural gas to the Denton Campus from September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2011, at an amount not to exceed $999,999, which was seconded by Mr. McCullough, and all voted in favor. After motion by Dr. Moreno and second by Ms. Chriss, the Board voted unanimously for approval to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with the Harris County Department of Education (Choice Facility Partners) to provide facilities services to the TWU Denton, Dallas, and Houston Campuses; such services might include, but are not limited to, environmental services, job order contracting for maintenance and repair, mechanical and energy services, and other facility needs. Next, Mr. McCullough made a motion for approval for the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with American Restoration for the repair of the Mary Evelyn Blagg Huey Library roof on the Denton Campus, the amount of the contract being $771,987 to be funded from current Operating Reserves (Exhibit 2046). The motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Ms. Chriss for approval to begin the design of a six-hundred space parking garage at the new T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center. All voted in favor. Mr. Crumpacker noted that Agenda Items V. K. and V. L. were deferred. Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with Beach Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,978,000 for the MCL (Multipurpose Classroom Laboratory) renovation of floors six (6), seven (7), and eight (8) on the Denton Campus (Exhibit 2047), which motion was seconded by Ms. Chriss and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Ms. Chriss for approval to join the Consortium created by the Independent Colleges and Universities for participation in the Environmental Compliance Peer Audit Program; to retain outside counsel for legal services in conjunction with other Consortium members in this Program, subject to approval by the Texas Attorney General; and to authorized the TWU Vice President for Finance and Administration to execute all necessary papers and documents in connection with this Program. All voted in favor.

Mr. Crumpacker then called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items. Mrs. Bancroft made a motion, seconded by Mr. McCullough, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2048). All voted in favor.

Next, Mr. Crumpacker called for Academic Affairs Committee items. Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval of the creation of a Department of Women’s Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences (Exhibit 2049). The motion was seconded by Ms. Chriss and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mrs. Bancroft for approval of a request to waive certain fees for programs offered exclusively for specific school district cohorts as set out in Exhibit 2050. All voted in favor. Mrs. Bancroft made a motion for approval of a proposal to offer the Clinical Nurse Leader Program (Exhibit 2051), which motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. Mrs. Bancroft then made a motion, seconded by Mr. Schrader, to approve the recommendations of the Chancellor of faculty for promotion and tenure listed in Exhibit 2052. All voted in favor. Next, Dr. Moreno made a motion to approve the recommendations of the Chancellor for emeritus status for the retiring faculty listed in Exhibit 2052. The motion was seconded by Ms. Chriss, and all voted in favor.

Mr. Crumpacker then called for consideration of the Information Services Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion, seconded by Dr. Moreno, for approval to transfer Technology Fees from Fund Balance to Technology and Information Services for classroom and lab technology installations for the Science Building Project (Exhibit 2053). All voted in favor.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of Student Life Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion, seconded by Dr. Moreno, for approval of an increase in the Student Services Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2054, effective Spring 2010. All voted in favor. Mr. Schrader made a motion for approval of establishing an International Student Service Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2055, effective Spring 2010, which motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mrs. Bancroft and seconded by Dr. Moreno, and all voted in favor, for approval of a contract with the successful bidder for food service management at Texas Woman’s University and authorizing the Vice President for Finance and Administration to sign all necessary papers and documents relating to the contract.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Stuart stated that, as talked about earlier, the budget is an open and very involved process and that the final budget will be presented to the Board for their approval at the August meeting.

Next, Dr. Stuart commented that, as discussed during the last Board meeting, efforts are being made to market the University, for a “decade of achievement,” simply because it will be a decade year, noting that she arrived at TWU in 1999. She indicated that Ms. Carolyn Barnes, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications, along with the participation from a lot of people, is working with different ideas to advertise and promote the achievements of the University and that these ideas will be presented to the Board in August.

In conclusion, Dr. Stuart stated that distinctions of faculty and other units within the University will be defined and will be brought forward in August as well. She commented it is always a joy to share with the Regents what the University’s students and faculty are doing.

As he brought the meeting to a close, Mr. Crumpacker noted that that it was a delight to work with everyone.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.  

Minutes of the Telephone Conference Call Meeting of February 25, 2009

The February 25, 2009 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order by its Chair at the appointed time and place. The Chair, Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Dr. William Fleming, Mr. Mike McCullough, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Ms. Tegwin Pulley, and Mr. George Schrader were present by telephone, constituting a quorum.

The Secretary to the Board, Mr. Lawhon, began with the following: “I am John Lawhon, Secretary to the Board. The date is February 25, 2009 and the time is 9:02 a.m. This is a special called telephone conference call meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents, immediate action being required and the convening at one location of a quorum of the governing board being difficult. The meeting is being held at the 16th Floor of the ACT building at TWU, the location where meetings of the governing board are normally held. This conference call is being recorded in the Board of Regents Room in Denton, as required by state law. Therefore, will each participant please identify yourself early in your remarks so that the record will reflect who is speaking. We will call the roll at this time to determine who is present on the telephone.” Responding that they were present were Regents Crumpacker, Fleming, McCullough, Moreno, Pulley, and Schrader.

Regent Crumpacker then said, “I call the Board of Regents meeting to order and note that a quorum is present.” Dr. Brenda Floyd, Vice President for Finance and Administration, explained that the original plans and provisions for the renovations of the only remaining three floors to be renovated in the MCL Building were approved some three years ago and that since that time additions have been made to the renovations and costs have increased, necessitating approval by the Board regarding the final maximum figures. Thereupon, Mr. Lawhon said, “The motion to be considered today is for approval to increase project costs from $2,481,721 to $5,000,000 for MCL renovations, this increase to come from Designated Tuition Fund Balance.”

Mr. Crumpacker asked, “Do I hear a motion to approve and a second?” After a motion to approve was made by Regent McCullough and seconded by Regent Schrader, the Chair said, “Is there any discussion?” Regent Schrader asked whether the increase was solely from inflation or whether it also involved additions to the project. Dr. Floyd replied that both are involved. There being no further discussion, the Chair said, “All in favor say ‘aye’,” upon which all Regents said “aye.” The Chair then said, “All opposed say ‘no’,” upon which no Regents said “no.” The Chair announced that the motion passed.

The Chair said, “There being no further business the meeting is adjourned.” The Chair then thanked the Regents for their participation.

Minutes of the Meeting of February 20, 2009

The February 20, 2009 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Mr. Mike McCullough, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Ms. Scarlett Pope, Ms. Tegwin Pulley, and Mr. George Schrader, constituting a quorum.

There was no executive session.

The next item of business was the election of Officers of the Board. Mr. McCullough nominated Mr. Harry Crumpacker as Board Chair and Presiding Officer, which was seconded by Mrs. Dykes, and, there being no other nominations, he was unanimously elected. Mr. Crumpacker nominated Mr. Mike McCullough as Board Vice Chair and Assistant Presiding Officer, which was seconded by Dr. Moreno, and, there being no other nominations, he was unanimously elected. Mr. Crumpacker nominated Mr. John Lawhon, General Counsel, as Secretary to the Board, seconded by Mr. McCullough, and unanimously approved.

The Board considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of November 7, 2008 and of the teleconference meeting of January 16, 2009. Upon motion by Mr. McCullough and second by Ms. Pulley, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2031), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2032), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2033). The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. After motion by Ms. Pulley and second by Mr. McCullough, the Board voted unanimously for approval to increase the contract with F&S Partners for the new Fitness and Recreation Center Building from $820,245 to $1,274,750 for additional architectural services. A motion was made by Mr. McCullough for approval for the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract in an amount not to exceed $35,600,000 with Austin Commercial for the construction of the Dallas Institute of Health Sciences Building at the Parkland Campus (Exhibit 2034), which was seconded by Ms. Pulley, and all voted in favor. Mr. Crumpacker congratulated Dr. Ann Stuart, Chancellor and President, on the hard work that has been invested in this project and stated that he looks forward to the new Dallas Parkland Campus. Dr. Stuart said that the new Dallas Parkland Campus will have equal excitement and quality as the Houston Campus.

Mr. Crumpacker then called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion, seconded by Dr. Moreno, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2035). All voted in favor.

Next, Mr. Crumpacker called for Academic Affairs Committee items. Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval to offer the Master of Education (M.Ed.) Degree in Reading as a Distance Education Program (Exhibit 2036). The motion was seconded by Ms. Pulley and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mr. McCullough and seconded by Ms. Pulley for approval of codification of rules for Emergency Student Loans at TWU (Exhibit 2037). All voted in favor. Ms. Pulley made a motion for approval of a proposal to reduce the charge for undergraduate excess credit hours from the current $281 per semester credit hour to $35 per semester credit hour, effective Fall 2009 (Exhibit 2038), which motion was seconded by Mrs. Dykes and unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that Agenda items VIII. D. and E. had been omitted.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of Student Life Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion, seconded by Dr. Moreno, for approval of an increase in Board Rates as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2039, effective Fall 2009. All voted in favor. A motion was made by Mr. McCullough and seconded by Dr. Moreno, and all voted unanimously in favor, for approval to expend an amount not to exceed $270,000 ($225,000 from Auxiliary Reserve Fund Balance and the remainder from Gift Funds) for renovations to the Hubbard Hall Southeast Dining Room.

Mr. Crumpacker asked that the Governor’s Seven Breakthrough Solutions’ item be removed from future agendas, since there has been no action to promote this program.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Stuart stated that she had several items to share with the Board. She reminded the Regents that as they leave today’s meeting they can view the new TWU bus located in the street by the Visitor’s Parking Lot on Administration Drive, which is a “traveling billboard” promoting the University as students travel around the State to different events. Dr. Stuart announced that the Dallas Groundbreaking Event is scheduled at the TWU Presbyterian Campus during the June 5, 2009 Board of Regents meeting.

Regarding the FY 2009 legislative update, Dr. Stuart commented that the University is active at the Legislature, that the session is just beginning, and that her office will keep the Regents posted on the budget issues being discussed and the decisions being made and how they relate to the University.

Next, Dr. Stuart commented that, as discussed during the last Board meeting, efforts are being made to market the University as a “decade of achievement” and to publicize the different “areas of distinction” within the University. Dr. Stuart then distributed a brochure entitled, “Texas Woman’s University, Education that Works” and stated that this brochure celebrates our students, demonstrating that “students earn degrees that work for themselves, their families, and their Texas communities.” She commended Ms. Carolyn Barnes, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications, and Ms. Amanda Simpson, Director of News and Information, for their efforts in developing this brochure.

Dr. Stuart noted that The Woodrow Wilson Awards Video: T. Boone Pickens was viewed earlier in the meeting. She then presented gifts to Ms. Tegwin Pulley and Ms. Scarlett Pope and thanked them for their outstanding service as members of the Board of Regents.

In conclusion, Dr. Stuart stated that we will take publicity from anywhere we can and referred to The Texas Aggie Magazine sent by Dr. Lou Rodenberger that featured an article bragging about their president’s induction into the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame and which mentioned that the ceremony takes place at TWU and that the Exhibit is located in Hubbard Hall on the Denton Campus.

In the report from the Board Chair, Mr. Crumpacker noted that the Regents have been informed through the legislative reports that the State is switching from a formula funding system to a cost-based formula funding system, which is the major source of TWU’s state appropriation. He stated that information will be provided to the Regents regarding the impact on the University and on other institutions of higher education in Texas. Mr. Crumpacker asked Regents to volunteer and to participate in TWU’s legislative outreach, adding that Regents will be contacted at a later date.

Prior to conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Crumpacker commented that, as Ms. Pope, Ms. Pulley, and Dr. William Fleming cycle off the Board, new members will be present at the next Board meeting. He stated that the new Regents will be an outstanding addition to the Board. Mr. Crumpacker thanked Ms. Pulley for ably serving as the Vice Chair and Assistant Presiding Officer of the Board. He also expressed that the University is lucky to have had Dr. Fleming, who is a gifted physician and leader in the medical community, serve on our Board. He expressed thanks for Dr. Fleming’s service on the Board and wished him well as the Texas Medical Association’s president-elect for next year.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.  

Minutes of the Telephone Conference Call Meeting of January 16, 2009

The January 16, 2009 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order by its Chair at the appointed time and place. The Chair, Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Ms. Tegwin Pulley, Dr. Lou Rodenberger, and Mr. George Schrader were present by telephone, constituting a quorum.

The Secretary to the Board, Mr. Lawhon, began with the following: “I am John Lawhon, Secretary to the Board. The date is January 16, 2009 and the time is 8:47 a.m. This is a special called telephone conference call meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents, immediate action being required and the convening at one location of a quorum of the governing board being difficult. The meeting is being held at the 16th Floor of the ACT building at TWU, the location where meetings of the governing board are normally held. This conference call is being recorded in the Board of Regents Room in Denton, as required by state law. Therefore, will each participant please identify yourself early in your remarks so that the record will reflect who is speaking. We will call the roll at this time to determine who is present on the telephone.” Responding that they were present were Regents Crumpacker, Dykes, Moreno, Pulley, Rodenberger, and Schrader.

Regent Crumpacker then said, “I call the Board of Regents meeting to order and note that a quorum is present.” “The motion to be considered today is to approve the Fourth Supplemental Resolution to the Master Resolution authorizing the issuance, sale, and delivery of Board of Regents of Texas Woman’s University Revenue Financing System Bonds, Series 2009; and approving and authorizing instruments and procedures relating thereto (Exhibit 1) and appointing the Vice President for Finance and Administration at Texas Woman’s University as the authorized representative referred to in Section 3 and elsewhere in said Resolution.” Mr. Crumpacker asked, “Do I hear a motion to approve and second?” After a motion to approve was made by Regent Dykes and seconded by Regent Pulley, the Chair said, “Is there any discussion?” Regent Schrader asked several questions which were answered by the TWU Bond Counsel, Mr. Jeff Leuschel, and TWU Financial Advisor, Mr. Matt Boles. Thereupon, the Chair asked if there were any further questions. There being none, he said, “All in favor say “aye” upon which all Regents said “aye,” after which the Chair said, “All opposed say ‘no’, upon which no Regents said “no.” The Chair announced that the motion passes.

The Chair said, “There being no further business the meeting is adjourned.” The Chair then thanked the Regents for their participation.

Page last updated 9:58 AM, April 16, 2021