Minutes of the Meeting of November 7, 2008

The November 7, 2008 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Mr. Mike McCullough, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Ms. Scarlett Pope, Dr. Lou Rodenberger, and Mr. George Schrader, constituting a quorum.

Mr. Crumpacker announced that the Board would adjourn for Executive Closed Session regarding real estate, including discussion of early release of lease at TWU Presbyterian Campus, litigation, or personnel matters, under V.T.C.A., Government Code Sections 551.072, 551.071, and 551.074, respectively. At the conclusion of the Executive Closed Session, the Chair again called the meeting of the Board to order, a quorum being present. Mr. Crumpacker announced that Ms. Sharon Venable resigned as a member of the Board of Regents for personal reasons. He stated that he had an opportunity to thank Ms. Venable for her service; noted she did a wonderful job as a Regent, always taking the University’s best interest; commented that she will be sorely missed; and wished her well in whatever else she does.

The Board first considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of August 22, 2008. Upon motion by Mr. McCullough and second by Dr. Moreno, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items, the Committee being chaired by Mr. Mike McCullough for today’s meeting. Mrs. Dykes made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2022), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2023), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2024). The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. After motion by Dr. Moreno and second by Mrs. Dykes, the Board voted unanimously for approval to budget an increase in new revenue and expenditures of $4,033,000 for FY 2009. A motion was made by Mrs. Dykes for approval to give salary adjustments as presented to the Board of Regents Finance & Audit Committee on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 (Exhibit 2025), which was seconded by Dr. Moreno, and all voted in favor. Next, Mrs. Dykes made a motion for approval to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a temporary license agreement with Texas Children’s Hospital and W.S. Bellows Construction Corporation and its subcontractors for the use of air space above the Texas Woman’s University Houston Institute of Health Sciences. The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mrs. Dykes for approval of a Resolution to authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a Regional Law Enforcement Aid Agreement (Exhibit 2026). All voted in favor. Mrs. Dykes made a motion for approval of signatory authorizations and Resolution for Compass Bank, TWU’s local depository (Exhibit 2027) , which motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved.

Mr. Crumpacker then called for consideration of the Institutional Development Committee items, the Committee being chaired by Mrs. Virginia Dykes. Mrs. Dykes made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shrader, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2028). All voted in favor. After motion by Dr. Lou Rodenberger and second by Mrs. Dykes, the Board voted unanimously for approval to designate Room 101 in the Blagg-Huey Library as the “Joyce Thompson Lecture Hall” in honor of Dr. Joyce Thompson, a distinguished Professor of English at TWU and the author of Marking a Trail, a history of the Texas Woman’s University.

Next, Mr. Crumpacker called upon Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee for today’s meeting, to present items for consideration. Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval to waive Tuition and Fees, except for $25 in State Tuition and $25 in Board Designated Tuition per semester credit hour, for high school students who enroll in a TWU course for which the student is entitled to simultaneously receive both course credit toward the student’s high school academic requirements and course credit toward a TWU degree (Exhibit 2029). The motion was seconded by Mrs. Dykes and unanimously approved.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of Student Life Committee items, the Committee being chaired by Dr. Lou Rodenberger. Dr. Rodenberger made a motion, seconded by Mr. McCullough, for approval of an increase in Room Rates as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 2030, effective Fall 2009. All voted in favor.

Mr. McCullough made a motion authorizing early cancellation of the TWU Presbyterian Campus lease, depositing funds in consideration for such early cancellation into the project accounts for the construction of the new TWU T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center, and authorizing either the TWU Board Chair and Presiding Officer or the Vice President for Finance and Administration to sign all documents necessary or related thereto. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schrader and unanimously approved.

Regarding the Governor’s Seven Breakthrough Solutions, Mr. Crumpacker noted that, after consulting with Provost Kay Clayton, a report to Board would not be discussed at this time since there has been no activity on this program since the last Board meeting.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Ann Stuart stated that she had several items to share with the Board. She commented that the report on Dallas Fundraising has been discussed earlier during the Institutional Development Committee meeting and, once again, thanked the Board for their support.

Regarding the enrollment progress report, Dr. Stuart informed the Regents that TWU met the headcount goal from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, indicating that TWU now has an enrollment of 12,500 and that the enrollment projection for 2020 is a discussable goal. She said that we, as an institution of higher education, must ask ourselves what kind of faculty and what kind of facilities will be needed in order to meet those projections. Dr. Stuart stated that it is the University’s obligation to the Regents to determine what will need to be accomplished and said that we will meet the Coordinating Board goals.

With regard to the report on distinguishing the University, Dr. Stuart began by telling the Regents that the dinner she intended to host for a group of select legislators in Austin has been cancelled. She indicated that, after consulting with Mr. Rusty Kelly, he advised that she not proceed with the dinner because legislators receive many invitations per night; consequently, they mainly send their staff to these events. Dr. Stuart stated that finding a different strategy, such as making a day visit with key legislators will be more productive. She then informed the Regents that Ms. Amy Kowalsky in her office will contact them regarding what strategy should be used and to see when they would be available.

Next, Dr. Stuart informed the Regents that the Coordinating Board visit with TWU has been cancelled, but stated that Ms. Trayce Hudy in her office contacted the Coordinating Board, which informed her that they will be providing a presentation regarding their formula funding recommendations at the Coordinating Board’s Leadership Conference being held on December 2 and stated that all the Regents should have received information regarding this conference.

Dr. Stuart then commented that 2009 will be a good year for TWU because it will be a decade year, commenting that she began at TWU in 1999 and that it is an excellent opportunity to market “a decade of achievement.” She stated that these achievements can be used in an effort to better position TWU and added that this is not about Ann Stuart, but about the accomplishments of the University. She indicated that she asked Ms. Carolyn Barnes, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications, to start working with different categories and ideas to advertise and promote the achievements of the University over the past ten years, such as the University’s facilities, state-of the-art technology, reputation of faculty and their achievements through selection and in receiving awards and committee appointments within the state and the nation, as well as the successful fundraising campaigns. Dr. Stuart commented that by acknowledging and promoting what TWU has accomplished over the past decade we can then set forth our visions for a promising future.

Dr. Stuart noted that she, as everyone who knows her, is not a “reactive” leader, but rather an “anticipatory” leader, “keeping an ear to the ground” in an effort to position the University in Austin and Washington by being involved with key legislators and major committees regarding higher education issues that will affect the University. She stated that, regardless of who is seated as governor or in the senate, the University must not stay “vanilla flavored,” but it must identify areas of distinction because 35 institutions of higher education are being judged by legislators. After working with some groups, Dr. Stuart said that it was decided that TWU should pursue three distinctions, adding that TWU must use what it already has in order to package and leverage itself. The first distinction, she noted, for TWU is health and wellness. Dr. Stuart stated that TWU is known for its Nursing Program and that we produce the most nurses in Texas, but that Texas Tech University is currently second and intends to surpass us. She added that Dr. Richard Nicholas, Vice President for Student Life, and Mr. John Cissik, Director of Fitness and Recreation, conducted a survey that determined that students are very much interested in wellness, including such programs as occupational therapy, physical therapy, nutrition, and nursing. Dr. Stuart said that TWU must figure out how we are going to package what is offered in the health and wellness areas so that TWU becomes a profession destination point. Secondly, she said, TWU must promote “globalization.” She stated that, thanks to Provost Kay Clayton’s inventory of international opportunities, TWU can leverage its opportunities to promote other cultures and countries. Dr. Stuart commented that Ms. Barnes will need to determine how to make TWU the best place to pursue a career and, at the same time, learn about the world by attending different events that will bring about the cultural and international experience without ever leaving campus. The third distinction for TWU, Dr. Stuart said, is business, adding that TWU has a very good MBA (Master of Business Administration) Program as well as Fashion and Textiles and Health Care Administration Programs, but that if you ask any young person thinking about a business career they do not connect TWU as a business destination point. She stated that legislators are very interested in higher education issues and noted that September of next year, 2009, will be a good time to determine where we as an institution of higher education are going. Mr. Crumpacker asked if a Regents’ retreat is being planned. Dr. Stuart responded that a retreat will be held, and commended the staff at TWU, stating that we cannot do this without them. She added that the University is doing very well and that she is proud to have all of the Regents as Regents.

In conclusion, Dr. Stuart informed the Regents that the last item, regarding The Woodrow Wilson Awards Video: T. Boone Pickens, will be shown at the February meeting. She commented that Mr. Pickens’ corporation received the award for corporate citizenship and that the ceremony was held at the Four Seasons Resort in Dallas. She indicated that the video has been shown in other events in Dallas and that TWU is on the video.

Mr. Crumpacker thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting and stated that this is an exciting and wonderful place.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.  

Minutes of the Meeting of August 22, 2008

The August 22, 2008 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Dr. William Fleming, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Ms. Scarlett Pope, Ms. Tegwin Pulley, Dr. Lou Rodenberger, Mr. George Schrader, and Ms. Sharon Venable, constituting a quorum.

There was no executive session.

The Board first considered approval of the minutes of the Board meetings of May 23, June 6, and July 11, 2008. Upon motion by Ms. Pulley and second by Dr. Moreno, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items, the Committee being chaired by Ms. Sharon Venable. Ms. Pulley made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 2010), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 2011), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 2012). The motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. After motion by Ms. Venable and second by Ms. Pulley, the Board voted unanimously to distribute an amount of equal to four (4) percent of the University Endowment Corpus, which is approximately $374,250, to the TWU Endowment Distribution Accounts, the money coming from the Board Designated Tuition Reserve. A motion was made by Ms. Pulley for approval for the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with Satterfield & Pontikes Construction for renovation and expansion of the Old Science Building, including alternates 1, 2, and 3 on the Denton Campus, not to exceed $22,361,500 (Exhibit 2013), which was seconded by Dr. Moreno, and all voted in favor. Next, Ms. Pulley made a motion for approval for the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into a contract with FS Partners for the design of the Student Recreation Center Building on the Denton Campus for an amount not to exceed $875,000. The motion was seconded by Ms. Venable and unanimously approved. At this time, Mr. Crumpacker called upon Mr. John Cissik, Director of Fitness and Recreation, who stated that FS Partners has worked with the University of North Texas and Texas A&M University-Commerce, adding that FS understands TWU’s uniqueness. Mr. Cissik commented that the location of the new Student Recreation Center is excellent because it will be close to all the dorms and it will be very visible from Bell Avenue. He stated that the Center will be something that TWU can show off to Denton. Mr. Crumpacker asked that before and after pictures be taken of the facilities. A motion was made by Ms. Pulley and seconded by Dr. Moreno for approval to request the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to approve the construction of a new campus building at the Dallas Parkland Institute of Health Sciences and to demolish the existing two (2) buildings on that site, the cost of the project estimated to be $55,500,000 (Exhibit 2014) and that the University will underwrite the difference in funding between what is raised for the building and the cost of the building. All voted in favor. Ms. Venable made a motion for approval to sell Revenue Financing System Bonds in the amount of $20,000,000 for construction of a new campus building at the Dallas Parkland Institute of Health Sciences, debt service for these bonds to be funded from Designated Tuition for a period of twenty (20) years (Exhibit 2015), which motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that Item V.G. of the Agenda was removed. Next, a motion was made by Ms. Venable for approval to seek authorization from the Governor and the Legislative Budget Board to exceed the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Cap by sixty-five (65) FTE (Exhibit 2016), which was seconded by Dr. Moreno, and all voted in favor. After motion by Ms. Venable and second by Dr. Moreno, the Board voted unanimously for approval of the FY 2009 Budget as presented to the Finance and Audit Committee of the Board of Regents on Friday, August 15, 2008 (Exhibit 2017). Next, Ms. Venable made a motion for approval of the FY 2009 Annual Audit Plan of the Internal Audit Department (Exhibit 2018). The motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. Ms. Venable had no additional Committee report.

Ms. Venable made a motion, seconded by Dr. Fleming, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2019). All voted in favor. Ms. Sharon Venable, acting as Chair of the Institutional Development Committee for today’s meeting, said that she had no Committee report.

Next, Mr. Crumpacker called upon Ms. Tegwin Pulley, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, to present items for consideration. Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval for a cooperative Ph.D. in Nursing Science Degree Program between Texas Woman’s University and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (Exhibit 2020). The motion was seconded by Ms. Pulley and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Ms. Pulley and seconded by Dr. Rodenberger for approval of emeritus status for Dr. Margaret Hawkins. All voted in favor. Next, Dr. Moreno made a motion for approval delegating to the Chancellor and President the authority to designate a member of the administration to hear grievances if needed. The motion was seconded by Dr. Fleming and unanimously approved. Ms. Pulley said that there was no further Committee report.

Mr. Crumpacker then called upon Dr. William Fleming, Chair of the Information Services Committee, who stated that there was no additional Committee report.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of Student Life Committee items. Mr. Schrader made a motion, seconded by Dr. Rodenberger, for approval of the Tuberculosis Screening Policy (Exhibit 2021). All voted in favor. Dr. Lou Rodenberger, Chair of the Student Life Committee, stated that there was no Committee report.

The Board then held a discussion of the Governor’s Seven Breakthrough Solutions. Mr. Crumpacker stated that he spoke to each Regent about the materials forwarded from the Governor’s Office and informed the Regents that he asked Dr. Kay Clayton, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, to prepare a report on the status of this program. He added that the Governor’s Office is fairly aggressive on having governing boards participate in developing these solutions that will alter higher education by shifting how public money is spent, how professors are rewarded, and how success is measured. Mr. Crumpacker mentioned that he asked Regents Moreno and McCullough, as well as Provost Clayton, to represent TWU in a series of conference calls in an effort to evaluate the proposed breakthrough solutions and to develop possible ways to implement these solutions. Dr. Clayton then distributed and discussed a handout entitled, Texas Woman’s University Responses to Proposed “Breakthrough Solutions.” She indicated that staff provides support to the Regents; therefore, the handout presents five solutions prepared by the deans, who are more familiar with the University and can identify ideas and concerns regarding teaching and research. Ms. Pope stated that she had reviewed the entire book and summarized it on her Blog, especially #6 regarding scholarships. She commented that feedback from students indicate that they prefer to receive a scholarship from a university rather than from the state because the university knows its students and what their interests would be. Mr. Crumpacker then announced that Dr. Moreno, Mr. McCullough, and Ms. Pope will present a report on this program at each meeting.

Ms. Pulley made a motion for formal acceptance of a gift of $3,000,000 from Ms. Florence A. Doswell for the construction of and Building Campaign for the new Texas Woman’s University Institute of Health Sciences – Dallas Center, it being in the best interests of the University, and to approve The Houston J. and Florence A. Doswell College of Nursing – Dallas as the new name of the Texas Woman’s University College of Nursing – Dallas located at 1810 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas. The motion was seconded by Ms. Venable and unanimously approved.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Stuart stated that she had a couple of reminders to share with the Board. She reminded the Regents of the Save the Date Card sent to them earlier regarding The 2008 Texas Women’s Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony sponsored by The Governor’s Commission for Women and TWU on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 and commented that Governor Rick Perry should be here and, if not, Ms. Perry would, indicating that it’s a wonderful opportunity for our students. Dr. Stuart mentioned that she is intending to host a group of select legislators for cocktails at The Headliners Club in Austin sometime in January and that she will contact each Regent in October to have a preparation session so that everyone is on the same page. She then pointed out that undergraduate and graduate view books were left at each of the Regents places and stated that they could take the view books with them. Dr. Stuart then told the Regents that Dr. Richard Nicholas, Vice President for Student Life, would distribute the Athletic schedules. Dr. Stuart then distributed a flyer regarding the 2008 Denton County Higher Education Summit hosted by State Representative Myra Crownover at TWU and asked the Regents to mark their calendars for this event. She noted the names listed and stated that Rep. Crownover decided that it needed to be clear during this coming legislative session what institutions of higher education are doing in the north Texas area. Dr. Stuart said that she was very pleased to be hosting this event at TWU, indicating that all of these events will bring publicity to TWU and will benefit the University tremendously. In conclusion, Dr. Stuart distributed a brochure entitled, Asia and the Arts: Transformational Dialogues, and commended Dr. Kay Clayton, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, for her interest in the “globalization” of the campus. She said that it is obvious that not all can go abroad, but that Dr. Clayton is taking an inventory of international opportunities. Dr. Stuart commented that this is a new initiative with Dr. Penny Hanstien’s group to experience other parts of the world without traveling. She noted that the brochure is sponsored by the Crow Collection of Asian Art and others, stating that these connections make us successful.

In the report from the Chair, Mr. Crumpacker thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting and invited all, as Dr. Stuart did earlier, to tour the Science Building and the newly renovated 2nd floor of the ACT (Administration Conference Tower) Building, including the First Ladies Gown Collection.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.  

Minutes of the Telephone Conference Call Meeting of July 11, 2008

The July 11, 2008 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order by its Chair at the appointed time and place. The Chair, Mr. Harry Crumpacker, and Regents Dr. William Fleming, Mr. Mike McCullough, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Ms. Tegwin Pulley, Dr. Lou Rodenberger, and Ms. Sharon Venable were present, constituting a quorum.

The Secretary to the Board, Mr. Lawhon, began with the following: I am John Lawhon, Secretary to the Board. The date is July 11, 2008 and the time is 8:15 a.m. This is a special called telephone conference call meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents, immediate action being required and the convening at one location of a quorum of the governing board being difficult. The meeting is being held at the 16th Floor of the ACT building at TWU, the location where meetings of the governing board are normally held. This conference call is being recorded in the Board of Regents Room in Denton, as required by state law. Therefore, will each participant please identify yourself early in your remarks so that the record will reflect who is speaking. We will call the roll at this time to determine who is present on the telephone: Responding that they were present were Regents Crumpacker, Pulley, Fleming, McCullough, Moreno, Rodenberger, and Venable.

Regent Crumpacker said, “ I call the Board of Regents meeting to order and note that a quorum is present. I will call on Mr. Lawhon to brief the Regents on today’s business.”

Mr. Lawhon responded: “The motion to be considered today is to approve the Third Supplemental Resolution to the Master Resolution authorizing the issuance, sale, and delivery of Board of Regents of Texas Woman’s University Revenue Financing System Bonds, Series 2008; and approving and authorizing instruments and procedures relating thereto (Exhibit 1) and to appoint the Vice President for Finance and Administration at Texas Woman’s University as the authorized representative referred to in Section 3 and elsewhere in said Resolution.” Mr. Crumpacker asked, “Do I hear a motion to approve and second?” After a motion to approve was made by Regent Rodenberger and seconded by Regent Venable, the Chair said, “Is there any discussion?” There being none, he said, “All in favor say “aye” upon which all Regents said “aye,” after which the Chair said, “All opposed say ‘no’, upon which no Regents said “no.” The Chair announced that the motion passes.

The Chair then thanked the Regents for their participation. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.  

Minutes of the Meeting of June 6, 2008

The June 6, 2008 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Dr. William Fleming, Mr. Mike McCullough, Ms. Scarlett Pope, Dr. Lou Rodenberger, Mr. George Schrader, and Ms. Sharon Venable, constituting a quorum.

Mr. Crumpacker announced that the Board would adjourn for Executive Closed Session regarding real estate, litigation, or personnel matters, including faculty for promotion, tenure, and emeritus status and extension of contract and salary of the Chancellor and President, under V.T.C.A., Government Code Sections 551.072, 551.071, and 551.074, respectively. At the conclusion of the Executive Closed Session, the Chair again called the meeting of the Board to order, a quorum being present.

The Board first considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of February 22, 2008. Upon motion by Mr. McCullough and second by Ms. Venable, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items, the Committee being chaired by Ms. Sharon Venable. Ms. Venable made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 1996), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 1997), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 1998). The motion was seconded by Dr. Fleming and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mr. Schrader to extend the contract of the TWU Chancellor and President for a period of three years from June 6, 2008, this being in the best interest of the institution, and that her annual salary, effective September 1, 2008, be set at $430,000, which was seconded by Ms. Venable and approved unanimously. A motion was made by Ms. Venable for approval of the TWU Investment Policy (Exhibit 1999), which was seconded by Dr. Fleming, and all voted in favor. After motion by Ms. Venable and second by Mr. McCullough, the Board voted unanimously to approve the TWU Endowment Investment and Distribution Policy (Exhibit 2000). Next, Mrs. Dykes made a motion for approval for the Vice President for Finance and Administration to enter into an agreement with Follett Higher Education Group, Inc. for management of the TWU Bookstore for a period of five (5) years with five (5) one-(1) year extensions (Exhibit 2001). The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mrs. Dykes and seconded by Ms. Venable for approval to increase the Late Registration Fee from $25.00 to $50.00, effective 2008 (Exhibit 2002). All voted in favor. Ms. Venable made a motion for approval to increase the budget for the renovation of the Disability Support Services Classroom and Offices by $165,621 and to reduce the budget for the renovation of the Classroom in CFO (Classroom and Faculty Office Building) by $98,059 (Exhibit 2003), which motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mr. Schrader for approval of the Denton Campus Science Building Renovation and Expansion Project in the amount of $26,466,168, which was seconded by Dr. Fleming, and all voted in favor. After motion by Mrs. Dykes and second by Mr. Schrader, the Board voted unanimously for approval to sell Tuition Revenue Bonds in the amount of $21,739,712 to be used for the Denton Campus Science Building Renovation and Expansion Project. Next, Mrs. Dykes made a motion for approval to seek permission from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to charge a nonresident tuition rate of $188 per semester credit hour for undergraduate students residing in Oklahoma, this recommendation being in the best interest of Texas Woman’s University and not causing unreasonable harm to any other institution, subject to Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board permission, this tuition rate would be effective Fall 2008 (Exhibit 2004). The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. Ms. Venable had no additional Committee report.

Mr. McCullough made a motion, seconded by Dr. Fleming, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 2005). All voted in favor. Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Chair of the Institutional Development Committee, said that she had no Committee report.

Next, Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Academic Affairs Committee items, the Committee being chaired by Dr. Lou Rodenberger for today’s meeting. Ms. Venable made a motion for approval to offer the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Women’s Studies (Exhibit 2006). The motion was seconded by Mrs. Dykes and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mr. Schrader and seconded by Mr. McCullough for approval to seek preliminary authority to offer the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Leadership (Exhibit 2007). All voted in favor. Next, Mrs. Dykes made a motion for approval of the Policy on Distance Education Fees (Exhibit 2008). The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Ms. Venable and seconded by Mr. McCullough, and all voted in favor, that those applicants recommended for promotion, tenure, and emeritus status by the Chancellor and President be approved and that any such applications not so recommended be declined (Exhibit 2009). Dr. Rodenberger said that there was no further Committee report.

Mr. Crumpacker then called upon Dr. William Fleming, Chair of the Information Services Committee, who stated that there was no additional Committee report, and there was no Committee report from the Student Life Committee.

Chancellor and President, Dr. Ann Stuart, stated that she had no additional report except to thank the Board for their support and for the opportunity to continue as Chancellor and President of TWU. She stated that she looks forward to the completion of the Dallas project.

In the report from the Chair, Mr. Crumpacker stated that this was an exciting and challenging time for the University and thanked everyone for attending today’s meeting.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Finance and Audit Committee and Board of Regents (Joint Meeting)
Minutes of the Meeting of May 23, 2008

The Finance and Audit Committee of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents met on May 23, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at the TWU Parkland Campus. A quorum of the Board and a quorum of the Committee were present. The Board and Committee meetings were called to order.

The Regents first heard a report from Vaughan, Nelson, Scarborough & McCullough with regard to Texas Woman’s University investments. This was followed by a report from Hester Capital Management on endowment funds.

A motion was made by Regent Sharon Venable to approve up to $125,000 from the Pledged Auxiliary Reserve Fund Balance for the purchase of golf carts for the TWU Golf Course, which was seconded by Regent Mike McCullough and unanimously approved by the Board.

Motion was made by Regent McCullough to approve up to $60,000 from the Pledged Auxiliary Reserve Fund Balance for repairs to the new Grove Street property for conversion to student housing, which was seconded by Regent Lou Rodenberger and unanimously approved by the Board.

Thereupon, the Board and Committee heard an FY 2009 budget overview and a report on the activities of the Office of Finance and Administration.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.  

Minutes of the Meeting of February 22, 2008

The February 22, 2008 meeting of the Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents was called to order at the appointed time and place by Mr. Harry Crumpacker, Board Chair and Presiding Officer. Present were Mr. Crumpacker, Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Ms. Christianne Kellet, Dr. Cecilia Moreno, Mr. Mike McCullough, Ms. Tegwin Pulley, Dr. Lou Rodenberger, Mr. George Schrader, and Ms. Sharon Venable, constituting a quorum.

There was no executive session.

The Board first considered approval of the minutes of the Board meeting of November 9, 2007. Upon motion by Dr. Rodenberger and second by Mr. McCullough, these minutes were unanimously approved. Mr. Crumpacker noted that no registrations of public testimony items were received for this Board meeting.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of the Finance and Audit Committee items, the Committee being chaired by Ms. Sharon Venable. Ms. Pulley made a motion for approval of the personnel report (Exhibit 1983), the acceptance of grants (Exhibit 1984), and the contracts and agreements (Exhibit 1985). The motion was seconded by Ms. Venable and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Ms. Venable for approval of the TWU Investment Policy (Exhibit 1986), which was seconded by Mr. McCullough, and all voted in favor. After motion by Ms. Venable and second by Mr. McCullough, the Board voted unanimously to approve the TWU Endowment Investment and Distribution Policy (Exhibit 1987). Next, Ms. Venable made a motion for approval of the renewal of Hester Capital Management, L.L.C. as Endowment Funds Investment Manager from February 22, 2008 to August 31, 2009. The motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Mr. McCullough and seconded by Ms. Pulley for approval of the renewal of Vaughan Nelson Investment Management, LP as Operating Funds Investment Manager from September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009. All voted in favor. Ms. Venable made a motion for approval to expend an amount not to exceed $2.3 million from the Educational and General Fund Balance for the purpose set out in Exhibit 1988, which motion was seconded by Mr. McCullough and unanimously approved. Ms. Venable had no additional Committee report.

Mr. McCullough made a motion, seconded by Ms. Venable, for acceptance of the gifts to TWU (Exhibit 1989). All voted in favor. Mrs. Virginia Dykes, Chair of the Institutional Development Committee, said that she had no Committee report.

Next, Mr. Crumpacker called upon Ms. Tegwin Pulley, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, to present items for consideration. Ms. Pulley made a motion for approval of the proposal to offer the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Human Resource Management (Exhibit 1990). The motion was seconded by Dr. Moreno and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mr. McCullough for approval of the proposal to offer the Bachelor of Applied Science degree with a major in Health Studies (Exhibit 1991). All voted in favor. Mr. Crumpacker noted receipt of the list of faculty approved by the Chancellor and President for faculty development leave for 2008-2009. Next, Ms. Pulley made a motion for approval of awarding an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy degree in Dance to Ann Williams, founder and artistic director of the Dallas Black Dance Theatre (Exhibit 1992). The motion was seconded by Mrs. Dykes and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Ms. Pulley and seconded by Dr. Moreno for ratification of the appointment of the new Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at TWU, Dr. Kay Clayton. Dr. Ann Stuart, Chancellor and President, stated that she was pleased to announce that Dr. Clayton accepted the offer and that she was at the Denton campus today, looking for a house, and will be having dinner with Dr. Carolyn Gunning, current Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Stuart also informed the Board that Dr. Clayton is planning to attend budget meetings in March and stated that the relationship between Dr. Clayton and the University has begun. All voted in favor. Ms. Pulley said that there was no further Committee report.

There was no Committee report from the Information Services Committee.

Mr. Crumpacker called for consideration of Student Life Committee items. Dr. Moreno made a motion, seconded by Ms. Venable, for approval of an increase in the Student Services Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 1993, effective Fall 2008. All voted in favor. Dr. Moreno then made a motion for approval of an increase in the Student Union Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 1994, effective Fall 2008. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Dykes and unanimously approved. A motion was made by Dr. Moreno and seconded by Mr. McCullough, and all voted in favor, for approval of an increase in the Medical Services Fee as set out in the corresponding Exhibit 1995, effective Fall 2008. Dr. Lou Rodenberger, Chair of the Student Life Committee, stated that there was no Committee report.

In the report from the Chancellor and President, Dr. Stuart stated that the University is working well and that all the improvements in processes within the University are efficient and smart. She commented that involvement in different projects have residual benefit for the University. Dr. Stuart then circulated the Texas Architecture Magazine and pointed out the featured lead article regarding the Institute of Health Sciences-Houston Campus, stating that the Houston building has received five awards. She mentioned that recognition in these types of magazines, playbills, and attendance in different events in significant locations in the State and nationally is all about creating a “buzz” about the University. Dr. Stuart commented that Regent Pulley invited her to an event at The Women’s Museum for the unveiling of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s portrait and that Senator Hutchison invited her to a woman’s leadership summit in Washington, indicating that the cumulative effect of our being out there brings publicity to TWU, which benefits the University tremendously. She then announced that farewells to Dr. Gunning would be made at next meeting and thanked the Regents for their support.

In the report from the Chair and Presiding Officer, Mr. Crumpacker stated that Dr. Stuart was talking about significantly raising the image of the University, which was evident in the high quality of the students involved in different organizations, such as the Student Government Association (SGA), within the University. He praised the students that presented today and in the past and commented that, if asked when he was a student to present in front of the Board, he would have run for Mexico! Mr. Crumpacker stated that students now excel in leadership and that they are an inspiration, which is all a reflection of TWU. He then encouraged the Regents to visit the mobile “Go Center” and to ask Dr. Richard Nicholas, Vice President for Student Life, about the high school Go Centers. Dr. Nicholas stated that the Mobile Go Center was outside in the parking lot in front of the TWU Parkland Campus. He then introduced Ms. Becky Rodriguez, Director of Intercultural Services, and stated that she was responsible for the program and that Ms. Rodriguez, along with four students, will conduct today’s tour. Dr. Nicholas commented that the Center will travel to the State Fair this year for the same purpose of offering high school students college admission and financial aid application assistance and other information in an effort to increase college enrollment, adding that the information provided, unfortunately, is not only about TWU, but that it does have a certain TWU flair. The Mobile Go Center, he said, is equipped with a satellite and several computers that allow students to search for information relating to TWU and other institutions as well. Dr. Nicholas mentioned that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board funds the Go Centers/G-Force Program as part of the State’s Closing the Gapcampaign, adding that TWU originally operated six Go Centers, but now operates 11 Centers located in area high schools in Dallas, Denton, and Collin counties. He added that the Mobile Go Center is heavily requested at area schools and other programs, commenting that it is essentially a 34-foot billboard for TWU. Dr. Stuart stated that, in the end, it matters and commented that the University previously purchased buses with painted signage, making them rolling billboards for TWU. She announced that TWU is purchasing two more buses, but that this time they are being wrapped with TWU signage instead of being painted. She informed the Regents that one of the new buses will be available for their viewing at a later meeting.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded.

Page last updated 10:04 AM, April 16, 2021