Concur FAQ's
How do I sign on to Concur?
Follow these steps to log into Concur each time: How to Log into Concur
I don’t know my TWU person number. What should I do?
Log into Oracle Cloud. Click on the “Me" screen, then Personal Information/Employment Info to find your Person Number.
How do I apply for a PCard or a Travel card?
Log into Concur and go to Requests. Click "Create New Request," use the TWU Card Request and Updates policy to make your request.
Why do I need to complete my Profile Settings in Concur?
Completing your Profile Settings in Concur will make transactions easier. The information you enter into your profile will auto-populate fields when you create a Request, Expense or book travel in Concur.
As an employee, how do I submit a request for reimbursement for a business expense? Can I still use a Check Request?
No. All employee reimbursements must be submitted as a Payment Request in Concur.
What is a Delegate and how does it work?
An employee can assign another employee to act on their behalf. This is called a “Delegate." Delegates are able to prepare information (i.e. Travel Requests or Expense Reports) for another employee as long as they have been assigned the Delegate role in Concur. Although a Delegate can prepare and submit Travel Requests, only the cardholder is able to submit an Expense Report.
How does TWU pay for travel expenses for a prospective employee or donor?
A TWU employee can pay for airfare and/or hotel for a prospective employee/donor on their individual TWU Travel Card. These charges will show up on the TWU employee's Travel Card and must be reconciled in Concur by the employee. The prospective employee/donor no longer gets a temporary profile in Concur.
- A Travel Request is not required.
- Complete the Prospective Employee/Donor Setup Form
- Email the completed form to
- You will be notified once the profile has been set up.
- Out-of-pocket expenses will be processed on a Check Request, not in Concur.
To reconcile travel expenses on a TWU travel card the TWU employee will:
- Create an expense report for all expenses associated with the trip (airfare and/or hotel only).
- Select Prospective Employee or Prospective Donor from the Traveler Type dropdown as applicable.
- Add the Prospective Employee/Donor as an attendee for the expenses (first and last name).
- Select Prospective Employee or Prospective Donor from the Attendee Type dropdown.
My account number is not in Concur. Why? What do I do?
Account numbers (now called chart strings) are automatically uploaded to Concur on a nightly basis as long as the account has money in either M&O or Travel. If an account isn’t in Concur, and you feel it should be, contact for further guidance.
My expense report isn’t going to the correct approver. What should I do?
The approver workflow is now determined by the Oracle account string and no longer by personnel reporting hierarchy. If the current approval designations are deemed by the department to be in error, email for further guidance.
What’s the difference between “allocation” and “itemization”?
Allocation is when you need to charge expenses to different account numbers. Remember, you can set your default account number in your Report Header. The default account will auto-populate your expense report. You can change the account number at the expense level as needed. You can allocate a single expense or multiple expenses within Concur.
Itemization is when you need to breakdown an expense into different categories (expense types).
For example: The purchase receipt has webcams and cleaning supplies. Those are two different expense types.
Can I use my travel card to pay for guest speakers' travel expenses?
No, if any travel is associated with the individual's service; the travel expenses are the responsibility of the individual. The cost of travel should be included in the payment. The department needs to do a contract and requisition prior to the event.
How do we pay for a group of students traveling to attend an event?
A designated TWU employee must be established as the responsible party traveling with the students. This employee will use their TWU Travel Card to cover the trip expenses. If the employee does not already have a TWU Travel Card one can be requested in Concur. Allowable TWU Travel Card expenses for student group travel include transportation, lodging, parking, and meals.
Upon completion of travel, the employee will reconcile Travel Card activity in Concur. All itemized receipts are required.
Where do I go in Concur to check if my expense report has been approved and sent for payment?
You can locate your approved expense report in the Report Library section in Concur. If your Expense Report status is marked 'Sent for Payment', and you have not received payment, email
Page last updated 2:51 PM, January 24, 2025