Pioneer Prep

Pioneer Prep is Texas Woman's University’s alternative pathways to placement program for prospective students who:

  • did not meet college-readiness benchmarks on the SAT, ACT, STAAR English III or Algebra II EOCs, or successfully complete the high school College Preparatory Course; and
  • did not pass the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2), the placement tests for students enrolling in Texas public colleges and universities to help determine if students are ready for college-level courses in reading, writing and math.

You have options:

High School Transcript option

Do you have a GPA of 3.0 or higher across four years of high school English or Math?

If yes, fill out this form for consideration.

Please allow one to two weeks processing time. Longer delays may occur if the form is completed between semester start and end dates.

EdReady Free Course option

Pioneer Prep has a limited number of vouchers for students to enroll in an EdReady course, which is a self-paced learning assessment platform. Students who pass this alternative course will be exempted out of the corequisite requirement. Complete this form to learn more.

Please allow one to two weeks processing time. Longer delays may occur if the form is completed between semester start and end dates.

TSIA2 Retake option

Contact TWU Academic Testing Services to schedule a time to retake the exam. Email  to ask about possible TSIA-2 Vouchers for a free exam option.

Corequisite Course option

A corequisite course offers students additional instructional support. The corequisite course does come with an extra cost and does not count toward your total credit hours, but most students successfully pass the corequisite.

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions not an answered on this site, please contact us.

Page last updated 4:58 PM, September 5, 2024