Course Rotations

TWU academic units have prepared course rotations for organized courses. These are accurate as of the date noted on each course rotation. Unforeseen events could impact the offering of a particular course; however, academic units will make every effort to assure the least negative impact on students should a change in a rotation be required. Please note that the rotations do not include individualized courses such as independent studies, dissertations, theses, professional papers, etc. which are offered to individual students as a part of their programs of study. It is highly advisable that students consult with their advisors to most effectively choose courses to complete their degree plans.
- Accounting and Finance Course Rotations
- Biology Course Rotations
- Chemistry and Biochemistry Course Rotations
- Communication Sciences and Oral Health Course Rotations
- Computer Science Course Rotations
- Dance Course Rotations
- English, Rhetoric., and Spanish Course Rotations
- Fashion Design and Merchandising Course Rotations
- Health Care Administration Course Rotations
- Health Promotion and Kinesiology Course Rotations
- History Course Rotations
- Human Development, Family Studies, and Counseling Course Rotations
- Library and Information Studies Course Rotations
- Literacy and Learning Course Rotations
- Management and Marketing Course Rotations
- Mathematics Course Rotations
- Multicultural Women’s and Gender Studies Course Rotations
- Music Course Rotations
- Nursing Course Rotations (under revision - please contact your advisor)
- Nutrition and Food Sciences Course Rotations
- Occupational Therapy Course Rotations
- Physical Therapy Course Rotations
- Political Science Course Rotations
- Psychology and Philosophy Course Rotation
- Social Work Course Rotations
- Sociology Course Rotations
- Teacher Education Course Rotations
- Theatre Course Rotations
- Visual Arts Course Rotations
Page last updated 9:33 AM, March 6, 2024