Speech-Language Pathology Scholars

Eligibility Requirements:

Potential SLP scholars for Project Nexus must have been accepted to TWU Graduate School and the Speech-Language Pathology program. They must also complete the following:

  • Project Nexus SLP Application materials can be submitted to Dr. Armstrong through the online application. The online application includes the SLP-specific application, a Project Nexus Survey and a typed letter of interest (2 pages maximum) that addresses your interest in Project Nexus and career goals.

Service Obligation Requirement:

  • All admitted scholars will agree to work in the field for which they are trained (i.e., SLP) for a period twice that of their period of support. Additional clarification will be provided upon acceptance to Project Nexus.
  • All admitted scholars will complete a pre-scholarship service obligation contract and an exit contract with the U.S. Department of Education.


Interested individuals should apply for the grant by January 1.

Apply to Project Nexus as an SLP Scholar

Page last updated 11:00 AM, May 8, 2023