A TWU Honors student stands in front of a large building mural
Honors FAQ


Do I have a chance of getting into Honors?

Our Honors admissions committee looks for more than just a high GPA. We look at leadership, service, activities, as well as your personal statement to determine if the program would align with your interests and goals.

Will Honors resemble my experience in AP classes?

The honors programs engage students beyond the traditional academic experience. Our Honors students participate in greater levels of research and advanced studies which requires more time dedicated to your coursework. Honors isn’t simply more work, rather our coursework brings more enriching and engaging studies.

Will being in Honors potentially hurt my GPA?

While Honors students are expected to meet a minimum GPA of 3.30, the honors staff and TWU student services are here to provide academic support and guidance.

Will being an Honors student limit my free time and social?

Certainly not! Even with program requirements, our students are able to maintain a healthy balance between school and their social life. The honors programs also offer exciting social-cultural events around DFW each semester!

What does Honors mean for my major/career?

Graduating from an honors program sets you apart from your peers in the increasingly competitive job market and with graduate school applications.

Page last updated 3:13 PM, October 23, 2024