Featured Stories

Turner has penchant for being first

Wandaliz Turner has a history of being the first in her family to do many things.

She was the first to attend college. The first to enlist in the military. First to go into law enforcement. And the first to earn a university degree — two, in fact.

After climbing Earth’s highest peaks, TWU alumna sets sights on space

Texas Woman's alumna Roxanne Gonzales-Vogel a is working on cutting-edge technology that will provide nutrition for astronauts while they are working in outer space. 

TWU researcher to study impact of COVID misinformation on Hispanics

Rigoberto Delgado, PhD, an associate professor in health administration at TWU’s Houston campus, was awarded a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in May to measure the extent and effect of COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation among Hispanics and to provide data to design policies to combat misconceptions about the virus. 

Nurse’s research on abuse may be key to improving victims’ mental health

She’s seen firsthand the mental toll an abusive relationship can have on a woman, so it isn’t surprising that Angeles Nava, an assistant professor of nursing at TWU’s Houston campus, has devoted seven years to researching intimate partner violence.

Dancer draws inspiration from grandmother’s migrant experience

Growing up in the small Texas border town of Donna, Elisa De La Rosa never thought much about the stories of her family. It wasn’t until she left home to study that the assistant professor of dance developed a desire to learn more about immigrant experiences – including her own family’s – and share their stories through her work.