Publications and Presentations
Colton, S., Smith, C., & Sourdot, L. (2020). Designing a future classroom laboratory for exploring the science of teaching and learning. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 11(3), 36-46. doi:
Smith, C., & Colton, S. (2020). Creating a YouTube channel to equip parents and teachers of students who are deaf. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 453-461.
Professional Presentations / Conferences
Presenting at Think, Iterate, & Act – July 2017
For two days, educators from North Texas converged in Denton to satisfy one simple goal: Explore the effective marriage of technology and pedagogy in an effort to better serve students. The Think, Iterate & Act (TIA) conference accomplished this goal by offering engaging keynotes and breakout sessions focused on the latest ideas in teaching, learning and technology integration to create new and exciting ways to move students toward mastery of content.
Conference attendees were provided with opportunities to refine and customize these ideas to fit their learning into the unique context of their teaching roles. As a result, teachers and administrators were equipped to act immediately on their new learning with the staff and students they serve.
Presentation title: Texas Woman’s University Future Classroom Laboratory (TWUFCL): Rethinking the role of pedagogy, technology and design for 21st century learning.
Presenters: Ludovic A. Sourdot, PhD; Chad E. Smith, PhD; Jerry Whitworth, EdD
Presenting at SITE 2017 – March 2017
The Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education represents individual teacher educators and affiliated organizations of teacher educators in all disciplines, who are interested in the creation and dissemination of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education and faculty/staff development. SITE is a society of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Presentation title: The TWUFCL experiment: Authentic engagement with technology for teacher candidates and education professionals.
Presenters: Ludovic A. Sourdot, PhD; Chad E. Smith, PhD; Jerry Whitworth, EdD; Gina Anderson, EdD
Page last updated 10:50 AM, March 25, 2022