Experiential Learning

Learning about theories, concepts, and formulas in the classroom is just the first step of your journey at TWU.

Bridging classroom learning with "real world" experiences allow you to apply what you have learned. This direct experience and reflection best describes Experiential Learning. Extend your learning beyond the classroom with diverse, hands-on opportunities that allow you to make the most of your college experience and reach your personal and professional goals.


Our programs

A group of young women shake hands and introduce themselves
Experiential Student Scholars

The Experiential Student Scholar Program allows students to engage in learning through the dynamic process of research where students can develop knowledge, skills, and values from direct experiences outside of a traditional academic setting.

Experiential Student Scholars Program

A student explains part of his research presentation to an onlooker
Scholar Presentation Support

The Experiential Project Presentation Support Program supports undergraduate & graduate Experiential Student Scholars in partnering with a faculty or staff mentor to present findings from experiential projects at state, regional, national, and international academic forums.

Experiential Project Presentation Support Program

Examples of Experiential Learning
  • Internships (includes practicums and cooperative education)
  • Community engagement (service-learning and volunteering)
  • Education abroad (internships abroad or service abroad)
  • Research (basic and applied)
  • Student organization leadership
  • Fellowships
  • Job shadowing

With Experiential Learning at TWU, you’ll find an opportunity to take an experiential learning-related activity and transform it into original, intellectually-compelling research through the Experiential Student Scholars Program.

Experiential learning typically involves:

Student highlights

Makayla Chrichton

Project Title: Self-Disgust and Self-Stigma Surrounding the Insecurity Behind Blemishes

— Makayla Crichton, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, minor in Philosophy

Where are we?

Experiential Learning is located in the Pioneer Center for Student Excellence on the second floor of the Blagg-Huey Library on the Denton campus. Our programs and resources are available to students and faculty on all campuses.

Meet the Internships & Experiential Learning team

For more information

Juan Armijo
Director, Internships & Experiential Learning

Kayla Holloway
Assistant Director, Internships & Experiential Learning