Faculty and Staff

Sharla Snider, PhD
Professor and Division Head, Early Childhood Education
MCL 901-C
Education: PhD, MA, Texas Woman’s University; BS University of North Texas
Research area: Technology and young learners (literacy and technological thinking; digital citizenship); integrated technology in teaching and learning; early childhood classroom practices (pedagogy and action research).

Peggy Lisenbee, PhD
Associate Professor
MCL 908-I
Education: PhD, Oklahoma State University; MS, University of Missouri; BS, Oklahoma State University
Research area: Technology use and integration, early childhood curriculum, literacy, STEM activities including coding and robotics, culturally responsive teaching

Lin Moore, PhD
MCL 908-F
Education: PhD, Texas Woman's University; MS, Texas Woman's University; BS, Texas Woman's University
Research area: Early childhood, special education, language development, mathematics development, social and emotional development, quality in early childhood programs

Jennifer Quong, PhD
Assistant Clinical Professor
MCL 908-J
Education: PhD, Texas Woman’s University; MS, Texas Woman’s University; BS, Stephen F. Austin State University
Research area: Use of early childhood education strategies in higher education, early childhood classroom practices, the use of play in public schools, quality learning environments, early childhood curriculum, the use of sign language in language development
Page last updated 3:26 PM, September 17, 2024