Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students leads an effort focused on non-academic matters affecting student life, student success and student learning. Our office is dedicated to encouraging student responsibility and leadership. We strive to support students and families during times of crisis and assist faculty and staff in resolving student concerns. Our office is actively involved in issues related to student life at Texas Woman's University and strives to help all students achieve their academic and personal pursuits.

What We Do

  • Student Advocacy - When a student encounters a barrier to their success, it is important to know who to turn to and who can help. We are dedicated to helping students find answers and resolutions to their problems.
  • Behavior and Conduct - Our office works to maintain a civil and orderly academic environment on campus.
  • Connections - Our team assists students in making connections with peers, identifying on-campus and off-campus resources and providing a sense of shared community.

Our Departments

Page last updated 3:41 PM, May 31, 2024