Undergraduate Transfer Student Guidelines

Technique or Dance Practices
- May transfer in only 6 semesters of dance technique, for example, Modern, Ballet, Tap, African, Jazz etc.
- May require more technique and performance hours depending on courses transferred and TWU placement level to meet competency in ballet and modern. Level III Modern Dance competency courses (DNCE 3151/3161) and Level II Ballet courses (DNCE 2111/2121).
- For transfer of courses, count semesters of Technique, Performance, and Choreography, not credits.
- Courses in Aerobic Dance/Exercise Jazz cannot transfer in to meet the technique requirement.
- Transfer students intending to pursue the Dance Studies Program (6 semesters of performance is required) may transfer in only two (2) semesters of performance.
- May transfer in only 2 semesters of Dance/Drill Team Performance.
- Transfer students intending to pursue the Dance Education Program (only 4 semesters of performance is required) may transfer in only two (2) semesters of performance and at least one (1) must be concert dance performance.
- Complete Choreographic Designs and Concert Choreography at TWU. The following courses must be taken in sequence and cannot be taken concurrently: Improvisation (Fall); Dance Composition (Spring)
- Choreographic Designs (Fall) and Concert Choreography (Fall) may be taken concurrently with consultation with an advisor.
- Community college 1000 and 2000 level courses cannot be used to satisfy TWU 3000 or 4000 level courses except in the case of Performance.
Page last updated 8:40 AM, June 13, 2023