Brittany Padilla
Brittany Padilla is a music performer, composer, and producer residing in Fort Worth, TX. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music and minor in Spanish from the University of North Texas, where she began her experience and career as a dance musician. She danced and played with the percussion ensemble for African dance classes and performances at UNT during her undergrad, which led her to play for world dance at Texas Woman's University, also in Denton. During the following years, she expanded her repertoire, playing for modern, ballet, improv, and jazz. She is now a dance accompanist at TWU and Tarrant County College Northwest in Fort Worth. She performs and composes in collaboration with local dance companies and individual artists around the United States for various workshops and festivals (ACDA, TDIF, MALCS etc.) as well as other colleges and universities in DFW (UTA, TCU, etc.) As a multi-instrumentalist, she plays and records an array of acoustic and digital instruments with emphasis on percussion and voice. Brittany works with Ableton Live, a software for producing music and is a certified Ableton Specialist.
Page last updated 11:40 AM, February 6, 2020