HB 2504 Syllabi & Vitae Posting

The TWU deadline for an instructor of record to upload their syllabus for each course section and an up-to-date vita through the Pioneer Portal is the 5th day after classes begin each semester.

Remember that all information uploaded is publicly displayed. Please do not list personal contact information for your home on your vita or syllabi.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your respective HB 2504 Component Support Staff. If they are unable to assist you, please Submit a Support Request.

Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter N, Rules 4.225-4.229 and Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter E, Rules 4.101-4.104 regulations require that each semester all faculty members or GTAs listed as the instructors of record for undergraduate courses post their syllabi and up-to-date vitae to TWU’s website.

The code provides specific requirements for both the syllabi and vitae.  Below, you will find links to templates that outline the minimum requirements and the format to use for each.  TWU asks that you use these templates to ensure you include all the minimum required elements specified in the TAC.  Note that you are welcome to upload a more comprehensive syllabus or vita as long as the minimum requirements are outlined in each of the templates and the format of the templates are followed.


Each semester, all instructors of record for undergraduate courses must upload a syllabus for each course section to the TWU website. Excluded are:

  • courses with less than five enrolled;
  • courses with highly variable subject content that are tailored to individual students, such as Independent Study courses; and
  • laboratory, practicum, or discussion sections which are intrinsic and required parts of larger lecture courses and are directly supervised by the same instructor(s) for those large courses. (In other words, if you are the instructor of record for a lab or other section related to a large lecture class, you must post your syllabus and vita if you are not the instructor of record for the lecture class.)

Instructions for Uploading Syllabi

Complete each semester for each course and section being taught.

  1. Download the Full TWU Syllabus Template or the HB2504 Syllabus Template (Word).
  2. Complete all sections. DO NOT ALTER the officially approved course title, description, or Student Learning Outcomes. You can access this information via TWU's Course Inventory Management (CIM) system. If any information is missing from the CIM system, please contact your Component Administrator.
  3. Create a PDF of your Syllabus from Word by selecting File -> Save as Adobe PDF.
  4. Upload your PDF Syllabus by going to Pioneer Portal -> My Tools -> Faculty/Staff Tools -> Syllabus and Vitae Upload -> Upload Syllabus. Select the appropriate course number and section you are teaching from the drop-down list, browse to where you saved your PDF Syllabus, and select "Submit."
  5. After you hit "Submit," pay special attention to the response the system provides in case there is an upload issue.


Each year, all instructors of record for undergraduate courses must upload a current Vita through the Portal upload system.  The Vita will populate to any course and section the instructor of record teaches.

Instructions for Uploading Vita

  1. Download the HB 2504 CV Template (Word).
  2. Complete all sections.
  3. Create a PDF of your Vita from Word by selecting File -> Save as Adobe PDF.
  4. Upload your PDF Vita by going to Pioneer Portal -> My Tools -> Faculty/Staff Tools -> Syllabus and Vitae Upload -> Upload Vitae.  Browse to where you saved your PDF Vita, and select "Submit."
  5. After you hit "Submit," pay special attention to the response the system provides in case there is an upload issue.


Why do I not have access to the Faculty/Staff Tools in Portal?

If you are a new hire or recent rehire, you may not see the Faculty/Staff Tools in the Portal until after your official start date. Please send your documents to your respective Academic Component's support staff, who can upload them on your behalf.

You will need to submit a support ticket to ITS to have them add the Faculty/Staff tools to the Portal.

What should I do if my course is not listed in the Pioneer Portal upload tool?

The Pioneer Portal upload tool will only list the courses you have been officially assigned to by your component with University Scheduling.  If you do not see your course, please contact your component administrator and have them work with University Scheduling to have you added.  If you are a new employee, sometimes it takes time to get full access to all systems.  If you do not have access yet, your component support staff can upload syllabi to the sections you will be teaching. Vita can only be uploaded when you have full access.

How do I verify my documents are uploaded?

Upon successfully uploading in the Portal tool, you will be provided a link that you can click to check the document.  You can further verify your document has successfully been uploaded by navigating to the WebAdvisor "Class Schedule", clicking on "Students" (do not log in), "Search for Classes" and filling in your course information. Links to your documents are placed here so they become publicly available to students, parents, and other constituents.

Important Note: If you have previously attempted to view a document and received a message that it was not uploaded, you may need to clear your browser cache. You can sometimes press F5 on the message page to force a redraw of the document to your computer.

What do I do if I am having issues uploading documents from off-campus?

Uploading syllabi and vita to the TWU Portal system from a non-TWU campus computer may require additional security protocols.  After logging into Portal, a secondary log-in window may appear.  If this secondary security protocol appears and your normal log-in credentials do not gain access to the upload tools, please try adding "fs/" before your Username and use your regular Password.  Should this not gain you access, the security credentials of the computer or network being utilized are not compatible with the TWU system, and you will need to send your documents to your academic component's support staff to be uploaded.

Why is Mac Safari not accessing the upload tool?

Safari does not currently work with the Syllabi/Vitae upload page in the Pioneer Portal. Any Mac user having trouble accessing the tools will need to use Chrome.  If you do not have Chrome installed on your university computer, please contact the Help desk at 940-898-3971 and ask them to install Chrome for you.  If you are using a personal Mac computer, you can download and install Chrome.

Page last updated 12:01 PM, January 21, 2025