NEW Leadership® Texas

In partnership with Rutgers Eagleton Institute of Politics’ Center for American Women in Politics (CAWP) the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership’s Center for Women in Government (CWG) offers the NEW Leadership® program at TWU. NEW Leadership® Texas is thoughtfully designed to introduce undergraduates to politics through programs that educate, empower, and encourage college students to become politically active and to take on leadership roles in public service.

NEW Leadership Texas group photo

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  • Live-in residence program
  • Inspire a new generation of leaders
  • Promote responsible leadership
  • Experience leadership through action

About NEW Leadership®

The NEW Leadership® Program is an award-winning initiative established in 1991 by the Center for American Women in Politics (CAWP). By 1999, the program expanded to include a national network of institutions, helping reach undergraduates across the country who are interested in politics and policy-making. The multi-day residential program teaches college students the value of civic engagement and helps them develop the leadership skills to become more involved in their campuses and communities.

Partnership with the CAWP

The Center for Women in Government at TWU began its partnership with the Center for American Women in Politics in 2024. The first NEW Leadership® program at TWU will be held June 8–12, 2025.


NEW Leadership Texas Application —  You’ll be asked to provide contact information for two academic or professional references and to attach a copy of your resume. 

  • Cost: There is no direct application fee for students.
  • Qualifications: Open to undergraduate students enrolled for the 2024–2025 academic year in any Texas college or university and at least 18 years old at the time of the program. The Center for Women in Government is committed to including students from across the state in each NEW Leadership® program.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Who should apply?
Applications are open to undergraduate students enrolled in a Texas college or university for the 2024–2025 academic year. Any student who meets the criteria is encouraged to apply. The program is not restricted to students studying a particular major.

Where does the program take place?
The program will take place at the Texas Woman’s University campus in Denton, Texas. Students will also be taken on an excursion to the State Capitol which will be arranged and funded by the CWG.

How much does it cost to attend?
The CWG covers the entire cost of the program for selected students. Reasonable transportation costs to and from Denton, Texas will be covered directly or on a reimbursement basis.

What is the commitment level expected for students who participate in the program?
NEW Leadership® Texas participants are expected to attend all summer institute sessions and live in-residence in Denton, Texas during the entire program from June 8–12, 2025. If you are accepted, you will be required to acknowledge and agree to meet these requirements.

Page last updated 3:19 PM, February 4, 2025