Civic Education
The Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership in collaboration with iCivics, the nation's premier non-profit civic education provider, created the Counties Work: Texas digital learning resource to teach young people all about Texas county government. iCivics is an ed-tech non-profit, founded in 2009 by Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who was driven by an ambitious goal: to re-imagine civic education for the next generation of citizens.
In the game, players are tasked with managing their own Texas county to learn about what their local government does and how it solves community issues. They will learn to make decisions regarding the programs and services that impact residents and see how their choices shape the community.
The game includes an Extension Pack full of activities to reinforce key concepts, and accessibility for English language learners and struggling native English readers, including a Spanish version of the game, English voice over, and an embedded glossary.
Teachers, parents, students, civic leaders and anyone can access the game here!
Counties Work: Texas game trailer
Page last updated 10:24 AM, July 19, 2024