WomenRISE – Reflect, Interact, Shine, Enterprise

A breakfast scene with the text "Women RISE: Reflect, Interact, Shine, Enterprise" with the Center for Women Entrepreneurs logo.

Welcome women entrepreneurs to a Center for Women Entrepreneurs monthly small business training and networking series.

You will have the opportunity to meet and network with other women business owners and benefit from professional training. Bring your business cards to enter our monthly raffle and exchange with other business owners.

Time: 8 – 9 a.m.
Date: Second Tuesday of each month
Location: In person: Texas Woman’s University Denton campus, Old Main Building Room 257 (2nd floor)
Virtual: through Zoom

In-person attendance

In-person attendance

In-person events will be held at Texas Woman’s University, Denton Campus, Old Main Building, 2nd Floor, Rm 257.

Breakfast will be served at 7:30 AM. The official program starts at 8:00 AM. Come and network with other female entrepreneurs. Make sure you bring your business cards.

*It is a bit of a walk between the two parking areas and Old Main Building. You may want to consider wearing comfortable shoes to walk in and bring your dress shoes for the event.

*If you have special needs, please email cwe@twu.edu to make special arrangements.

Parking information

  • Download ParkMobile @https://parkmobile.io/
  • Put in your information to include your license plate number.
  • For the event, park in either the Visitor Parking Lot or on the 4th level of the parking garage.
  • Parking is FREE! The parking code will be included in your event confirmation.
  • There will be directional signs to assist you in locating the event.

Interactive Denton Campus Map

How to get from the parking garage to Old Main Building

How to get from the visitor’s parking lot to Old Main Building

Online attendance

Online attendance

If you are attending online you will receive the Zoom link to join. We will have an online host that will help facilitate the event. We will continue to have pre/post networking opportunities.

  • Networking before the event: 7:35 – 7:55 a.m.
  • Networking after the event: 9:05 – 9:25 a.m.
  • Official program: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

All registered attendees, whether in person or online will receive the replay link after the event.


Networking for Success: Creating & Cultivating Powerful Relationships

  • Tuesday, July 9, 2024
  • In-Person & virtual event

Join us for our July WomenRISE: Networking for Success: Creating & Cultivating Powerful Relationships with Karen KJ Johnson, Founder & CEO of The Konfident Woman and Executive Director of Dress for Success Dallas.

"Networking for Success: Creating and Cultivating Powerful Relationships" focuses on the art of effective networking, offering practical techniques for expanding your network, fostering authentic relationships, and leveraging these connections to achieve career and personal goals. Attendees will learn how to confidently navigate networking events, utilize social media for professional growth, and maintain long-term relationships that provide mutual benefits.

Participants will leave with a toolkit of practical networking strategies, including how to initiate conversations, create a compelling elevator pitch, and follow up effectively. These techniques will enable them to confidently engage with new contacts and expand their professional network.


Karen KJ Johnson Founder & CEO of The Konfident Woman and Executive Director of Dress for Success Dallas

Karen KJ Johnson

Karen KJ Johnson is a highly skilled and influential leader, renowned for her inspirational women empowerment speaking, and her impactful leadership skills. As the Founder & CEO of The Konfident Woman and Executive Director of Dress for Success Dallas, she empowers women to unlock their inherent brilliance, cultivate executive presence, and build unwavering self-confidence.

KJ has received numerous awards, recognitions, and nominations, such as being named one of the "Top 50 Purpose & Powerful Women" and "Top 25 Global Influencers." She is also recognized as one of the "Top 50 Powerful Women in Business to Know." Recently, she delivered the Spring commencement address for the Texas Woman’s University School of Business, which was met with rave reviews. Currently living in Dallas, KJ has a grown brilliant son, Chester, and GiGi to her beautiful granddaughter, Legacee. Oh, and yes, you guessed it, KJ is an optimistic and enthusiastic fan of the Dallas Cowboys — and there’s no changing that.

RSVP for July 9 WomenRISE today!

Page last updated 2:43 PM, June 12, 2024