Celebrating Over 40 Years
In April 30, 2013, ASSET celebrated 30 years of campus service to Texas Woman’s University with a reception in Stoddard Hall. Sharon Masten, current ASSET President, kicked off the reception which was attended by President & Chancellor Dr. Ann Stuart and several of the original TOSS members.
Sharon gave a brief history of ASSET, how it was established and what we do:
“ASSET was established in 1983 under the name of TOSS (TWU Office Support Staff). The name was changed in 1996 to ASSET (Association of Service Support Employees of TWU). A little history…In 1996 it was Dr. Julia Newcomer, from Business and Economics Department that submitted the name ASSET. The support of the business department helped to make the first seminar a success. Dr. Newcomer has retired from TWU but is here today – we thank you for our name and support.
ASSET raises funds for a Professional Development Award (PDA) and two scholarships. The Wilkes Berry Memorial Endowed Scholarship and the ASSET Scholarship. We are very proud of our scholarship named after Dr. Berry. He was a dear man and very supportive of staff. It is an endowed scholarship which means we had to raise $10,000 dollars – that is a lot of bake sales and cookbooks.
Within our monthly meetings we provide encouragement, development opportunities, and network across campus. We cover a wide range of topics at our meetings. Our speakers have given us technology tips, heads up on new programs, training, health and fitness advice, stress relief, safety procedures, business strategies and even how to grow African violets. Our organization has a registered Adopt-A-Spot through Keep Denton Beautiful along Oakland Street…”
As an original TOSS member, Tesse Scott, so aptly put it in her speech at the reception: “I am only as strong as the coffee I drink, the hairspray I use and the friends I have. We as an organization embrace that statement especially the friends’ piece. First TOSS and now ASSET have always been a diverse group with many different talents. Some members are willing to stand and speak while others work behind the scenes to bake the perfect cake, create the archival scrapbook, make the perfect item for the sale or grow the perfect plant. We truly embrace ‘you don’t have to be just like me, to be my friend.’ We offer a welcoming smile and hand, are willing to lend a hand or ear, a shoulder when needed and always stand ready to celebrate a victory…“
“One of my favorite quotes is from Phyllis George, ‘Change to me is like an old friend. It’s not my enemy anymore. And I know it will keep coming back to visit again and again.’ We may not always be in charge of the change, but with a group like ASSET, we will always be strategically aligned to embrace it …”
ASSET celebrated their 30 years of service with a tree planting between the CFO and Stoddard Hall buildings with a plaque. As the location of the commemorative tree was discussed, Tesse Scott shared with the board where it all began. It all started with staff meeting in the CFO building. In more recent years, the meetings are held in Stoddard Hall. As Tesse said, “between Stoddard and CFO would be very appropriate, since it all started in CFO and evolved to Stoddard.”
11 years later, ASSET has been around for 41 years now and has been rebranded to stand for Actively Serving and Supporting Employees of TWU. We meet mostly in Stoddard Hall for officer meetings and are thankful for this excellent affinity group we have to support one another and create connections across campus.
Page last updated 10:41 AM, February 2, 2024