Program Assessment

The Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation oversees an institution-wide, ongoing, and systematic process for identifying student learning outcomes, setting benchmarks, reporting and analyzing results, and seeking improvement based on the analysis of the results for each of TWU’s educational programs. 

Assessment of student learning outcomes at TWU is faculty-led, with oversight and support provided by Chairs/Directors and the Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation.
  • Faculty - Lead development of assessment plans, implementation of assessment plans, analysis of results, and use of results to seek improvement in student learning.
  • Chairs/Directors - Provide oversight for development of assessment plans and use of results to seek improvement in student learning.
  • Office of Academic Assessment and Accreditation - Facilitates institution-wide collection of assessment plans and results. Provides guidance on assessment best practices and support for analysis and use of results.

Click on the links below to access resources, forms, and the submission portal for annual assessment plans and reports for degree and certificate programs.

Degree Program Assessment
Certificate Program Assessment

Page last updated 10:35 AM, September 12, 2024