Wellness Consultations

healthy food diet plan

1-on-1 Nutrition Consultations

Free nutrition consultations are available for current TWU students. They are scheduled with a Vandagriff Endowment Scholar, or a Nourishing Space student coaches. The Vandagriff Endowment Scholar has a bachelor’s degree in nutrition, additional training in exercise and nutrition, and is a current graduate student in our Nutrition Program. Student coaches from A Nourishing Space are all senior level undergraduate students majoring in nutrition/dietetics or graduate nutrition students. Their courses in nutrition include Medical Nutrition Therapy I and Nutrition Education and Counseling.

The Vandagriff Scholar and the student coaches are not Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN). Your consultation will include screening for any medical conditions or nutrition problems which may prohibit them from providing you with individualized nutrition recommendations. If you are not eligible for this free service, you will receive a referral to Student Health Services and other resources as appropriate.

How can I schedule a nutrition consultation?

To meet with the Vandagriff Nutrition Scholar, complete a nutrition consultation form. Forms are also available at the Front Desk of the Fitness and Recreation Center.

What is a nutrition consultation?

A nutrition consultation will include reviewing the completed food frequency questionnaire, discussing personal goals, and providing appropriate nutrition education. Each session is individualized to meet your specific needs and goals.

What CAN you expect from your nutrition consultation?

  • Learn how to make reasonable changes in eating habits and behaviors
  • Set manageable goals for long-term results
  • Individualized recommendations and education on how to improve your diet.
  • Recipes and handouts to help you take steps towards healthier eating.
  • Behavior-based coaching on how to improve your diet.
  • Education on basic approaches to attain a healthy weight.
  • Recognize satiety cues and learn how to intuitive consume meals
  • Get evidence-based information applicable to your goals

What should you NOT expect from your nutrition consultation?

  • A prescription for medications or diet for weight loss. 
  • Recommendations for supplements.
  • Medical advice.

How long does it take to schedule an appointment?

Once the Nutrition/Wellness Coaching Intake Form is reviewed, you’ll receive an email within 5 business days to schedule an appointment and complete a Nutrition Assessment. This must be completed prior to your first appointment.

What is a food frequency questionnaire?

A food frequency questionnaire consists of a finite list of foods and beverages with response categories to indicate usual frequency of consumption over the time. This allows the nutrition consultant to assess your current diet.

Is a follow-up necessary for everyone?

No. Follow-ups will be scheduled as needed. If you would like frequent follow-ups for accountability purposes, you can mention that to the nutrition consultant during your first meeting.

This program is made possible through support and collaboration with TWU Health Studies, Nutrition & Food Services, and the Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership as a means of providing experiential learning that empowers student health and wellness. Reach out to the Health and Wellbeing Initiative with any questions.

Page last updated 9:51 AM, September 12, 2024