Winter Break Tour dates and times now available

Winter Break tour options will begin on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024 and will end on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025*. These tours are only available on select days and times and space is limited, follow this link for more information and to register:

*No tours will be available beginning December 23, 2024 through January 5, 2025

Regularly scheduled Spring Tour dates are also currently available for registration and will begin on Monday, January 13, 2025.

An aerial view of the TWU Denton campus

Denton Campus Daily Tours

TWU is calling you to “Boldly Go!” and explore our beautiful 270-acre campus proudly boasting safety, convenience, and vibrancy located in the heart of energetic Denton, Texas.

Led by our Pioneer Ambassador tour guides, our daily campus tours offer future students a peek into what life is like as a TWU Pioneer. Experience our campus, student life and services, and view inside one of our First-year student residence hall rooms (subject to availability and not guaranteed).

Tours are built around our student tour guides’ class schedules and do not allow us to give tours outside of the times provided.

Before you arrive

Campus tours are walking tours!

  • Please wear comfortable walking shoes
  • Be aware of weather conditions and dress accordingly, tours take place during all kinds of weather including rain

It is highly recommended that you plan to arrive and check in at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled tour time allowing for any construction and traffic delays, parking, and locating the Office of Admissions.

What to expect

  • 45-minute to 1 hour walking tour
  • At this time, we are not able to provide Admissions Presentations. If you would like to speak with an Admissions Counselor, please schedule a meeting using the following link:


Availability of accommodations is limited by request only and is not always guaranteed. If you or any of your guests need alternative accommodation to walking, you must provide this information no later than three (3) business days prior to your visit to better ensure availability.


TWU uses ParkMobile paid parking zones in lieu of visitor parking permits.

Denton campus parking map

These parking zones are located at:

  • Brackenridge Hall (limited due to construction)
  • Oakland Café
  • Oakland Parking Garage Complex (top floor)
  • Administrative Conference Tower (nearest to Admissions Office & Check in)
  • Lowry Woods Apartment Complex lots
  • Parliament Village residence hall lots

You will need your license plate number for use in the app. Refer to your registration confirmation and reminders for information regarding any available parking discounts for daily tour visitors.

Ready to tour?

Experience our campus, student life and services, and view inside one of our First-year student residence hall rooms (subject to availability and not guaranteed).

Self-guided tours

Visit campus anytime at your leisure for a self-guided tour. Explore campus, grab something to eat at our dining facilities/restaurants and drop by the Admissions office for a campus map. 

NOTE: For student safety, viewing the residence halls is not available during a self-guided tour.

For more information on Denton campus tours:

Page last updated 4:47 PM, December 4, 2024