Sonja Eva Singletary

1996 Inductee
Dr. Sonya Eva Singletary, one of the premier breast surgeons in Texas and the United States, devoted her career to caring for women with breast cancer. Her expertise in the clinical care of women affected by breast cancer was recognized in 1992 when she was named to a 17-member Special Commission on Breast Cancer by the President’s Cancer Panel to assess the status of breast cancer research, detection, treatment, and prevention throughout the United States.
She served on the Intervention Task Force of the Texas Cancer Council, and she worked closely with basic and clinical researchers to identify genetic factors associated with the development of breast cancer, to design more effective combination therapies and to implement prevention strategies. She was a compassionate, caring person with a unique gift for understanding others, and her grasp of the complete breast cancer picture places her in frequent demand as a teacher and speaker. One of Dr. Singletary’s projects was a CD-ROM entitled Choices: Breast Cancer Treatment Options. The program told stories of eight women who described their breast cancer experiences and the surgical option they chose.
Dr. Singletary was asked to join the M.D. Anderson staff in 1985 upon completion of a two-year fellowship at the cancer center. In 1987, she was named chief of the Melanoma Section, and in 1990, she became chief of breast surgery.
Her prevention efforts spared an unknown number of Texas women from this disease. Her concern and dedication provided the knowledge, which now empowers women to make informed decisions and choices that affect their quality of life.
Page last updated 4:36 PM, June 16, 2022