Anne Legendre Armstrong

Ann Legendre Armstrong, Texas Women's Hall of Fame Inductee 1986

1986 Inductee
Public Service

Anne Legendre Armstrong was the first American woman ambassador to Great Britain and the Court of St. James’s (1976-1977). Prior to her ambassadorship, she was counselor with cabinet rank to President Nixon and President Ford. Her special area of activity centered on advocating equal rights for women. While serving as counselor, she founded the first White House Office of Women’s Programs.

In 1971, Ms. Armstrong served as co-chair of the Republican National Convention and later as the first woman to deliver a keynote address at a Republican Republican National Convention. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Vassar, the former ambassador served on the boards of directors of American Express, Boise Cascade, General Motors and Halliburton. She chaired the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and was a trustee of Southern Methodist University and the Smithsonian Institution. She also chaired the Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies advisory board.

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