Student Handbook

Like any community, a university must have regulations and/or standards by which its members abide and procedures by which its organization functions. The standards should provide order and an atmosphere conducive to intellectual and personal development. This Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct are intended to serve these purposes in the interest of all segments of Texas Woman's University.

The University has a responsibility to maintain order within the University community and to discipline those who violate its standards, rules, and/or policies. Enrollment requires students to share this responsibility. Students are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures outlined in this document. Students agree to abide by the standards, rules and/or policies set forth in this Student Handbook, the Undergraduate Catalog and other official University publications, as well as the Texas Education Code. Student organizations also agree to follow these standards, rules, and/or policies.

Please be advised, the University may amend this document at any time without notice. Neither this handbook nor the Student Code of Conduct constitutes a contract. The University reserves the right to make changes to this Code as necessary and once those changes are posted online, they are in effect. Students are encouraged to check online for the updated versions of all policies and procedures. Students are also informed of changes to the Student Code of Conduct by electronic notification outlets and/or official campus publications.

As members of the academic community, TWU students enjoy the privileges and share the obligations of the larger community of which the University is a part. Students are entitled to the privileges that accrue to them by virtue of this membership. These privileges carry with them the obligations of responsible citizenship. Students shall conform to University regulations. Students should recognize that citizenship also includes contributing deliberately to strengthening the educational community, improving learning for themselves and their classmates and promoting excellence within the above context. Freedom of discussion, inquiry and expression is protected and nurtured in the classroom as the safeguard of the freedom to learn. Students are expected to exercise their freedom to learn in a manner consistent with the maintenance of good order. Responsibility for maintaining good order in the classroom is vested in the instructor. The Student Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behavior for University students and the disciplinary processes to address misconduct. 

URP: 06.210 Academic Integrity

URP: 06.200 Student Code of Conduct

URP: 06.230 Student Grievance

URP: 06.240 Hazing

Page last updated 11:34 AM, May 30, 2024