Past Professional Development Webinars
Periodically, the School of Library and Information Studies offers free webinars on a variety of topics. Below is a list of past webinars with links and details.
Censorship, Intellectual Freedom, and Challenges in our Libraries
Joyce McIntosh, with the Freedom to Read Foundation and the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom discusses censorship, intellectual freedom, and handling book challenges in libraries.
Original Presentation Date: February 3, 2023
Recording Length: 55 minutes
Presenters: Joyce McIntosh, Freedom to Read Foundation and the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom
New Librarianship: The Knowledge Business
Dr. R. David Lankes, Director of University of South Carolina, School of Library and Information Science, and author of "The Atlas of New Librarianship" and "Expect More", discusses how librarians can be part of desired community changes. Learn about the mindset, skills and steps to take to facilitate change with local communities.
Original Presentation Date: February 24, 2020
Recording Length: 81 minutes
Presenters: R. David Lankes, PhD, Director of the School of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina
Moderators: Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD, Professor and Director of TWU SLIS, and Carol Perryman, PhD, SLIS Associate Professor
TWU TLCART Data Sources for Public Libraries
Enter your name and email to download the recording.
Webinar for Dr. Ling Hwey Jeng’s TLCART grant program, presented by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC). Library Development and Networking Division (LDN) colleagues Valicia Greenwood, Library Statistics Specialist, and Cindy Fisher, Digital Inclusion Consultant, present resources and ways to use local, statewide and national data to better understand your library’s community. Click for slides and handout.
Original Presentation Date: September 11, 2019
Recording Length: 58 minutes
Presenters: Valicia Greenwood (Library Statistics Specialist) and Cindy Fisher (Digital Inclusion Consultant) from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC)
From the State of the School to Librarianship: A Conversation with the SLIS Director
Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD, gives an update on the State of the School. Find out about the new Community Informatics focus area, the SLIS Memorial Scholarship Endowed Fund, the AlumniConnect program, alumni awards, new Special Topics courses being developed, and the 2017 accreditation review. Dr. Jeng also describes her role as TLA President-Elect and her focus on community engagement.
Original Presentation Date: February 22, 2017
Recording Length: 65 minutes
Presenter: Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD, professor and director of TWU SLIS and TLA President-Elect
Moderator: Aleya Wheeler, 2016-2017 Secretary of GLISA at TWU
Proving Your Library’s Value
Learn to tell the story of your library’s role within its community, based on principles and recommendations that can be used at libraries of all types. Based on the 2013 publication, “Proving Your Library's Value: a Toolkit for Transportation Libraries,” this webinar goes beyond the common return-on-investment calculators, presenting a unique and comprehensive valuation picture that includes anecdotes and success stories, community and social impact, metrics and statistics, surveys, and contingent valuation.
Original Presentation Date: September 24, 2014
Recording Length: One hour and 31 minutes
Presenter: Sheila Hatchell, director of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Library
Moderator: Carol Perryman, PhD, SLIS Assistant Professor
Presenter Bio: Sheila Hatchell serves as the director of the MnDOT (Minnesota Department of Transportation) Library. MnDOT Library was a recipient of the 2012 ALA John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award. Past chair of the Special Libraries Association Transportation Division, Sheila was honored with the Division's 2014 Innovation Award for her work on library valuation. She was invited by the Special Libraries Division of the Texas Library Association (TLA) to present at the TLA 2014 Annual Conference on “Creating a Comprehensive Library Valuation Picture: Tools of the Trade.”
Materials referenced in the Webinar:
ABCD: Asset-Based Community Development
The webinar is intended to introduce you to the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) model, created and used by the United Way as a very different approach to community development. Its application in librarianship has the potential to be truly game-changing, since it positions librarians as active facilitators in identifying and leading collaborative initiatives to meet the needs and dreams of the communities we serve.
Original Presentation Date: September 3, 2014
Recording Length: 63 minutes
Presenter: Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD, Professor and Director of TWU SLIS
Moderator: Carol Perryman, PhD, SLIS Assistant Professor
Presenter Information: Ling Hwey Jeng, PhD, is a professor and the director of TWU SLIS. She has served as a member of the Board of Directors and co-chaired the community investment panel for the United Way of Denton County (TX). She is currently leading the United Way of Denton County, Project Blueprint: Board Leadership Training program. She is a strong proponent for Asset-Based Community Development, and has been instrumental in introducing the concept to librarians at Texas Library Association annual conferences.
Page last updated 2:10 PM, December 16, 2024