Kizhakkethil joins SLIS faculty
Priya Kizhakkethil, PhD, joined the faculty of the School of Library and Information Studies starting August 2023.
Kizhakkethil is a chartered accountant (CPA) in India. After arriving in the U.S., she pursued a thought she had since she was a teenager: becoming a librarian.
Her dissertation came from her own experience of being a part of the Indian diaspora and online fan communities. To date, seven publications have come from her dissertation. She has presented papers at ASIS&T annual meetings, iConference and ISIC, and was part of the doctoral colloquium at the JCDL conference and ASIS&T in 2019.
Kizhakkethil loves reading and music. She enjoys crime fiction, in which Ian Rankin and Henning Mankel are her favorite authors. In non-fiction, a couple of her favorite books have been written by authors from India: “Argumentative Indian” by Amartya Sen and “In an Antique Land” by Amitav Ghosh.
In addition, she enjoys gardening, baking, and doing cross stitch.
Page last updated 3:02 PM, December 13, 2023