Jordyn Rodas, RDN, LD

Profile photo of Jordyn Rodas

Jordyn Rodas RDN, LD (she/her) is a registered dietitian who has worked in community nutrition since 2016.

An alumna of Texas Woman’s, she believes that access to affordable healthcare and nutritious foods is a right for all Americans. Her career with the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) has evolved from local clinic counseling to agency outreach coordinator. Her passions include eliminating the stigma of using government assistance programs and educating the public that healthy eating is possible at every income level.


Obstacles to Opportunities: Positive Nutrition Strategies in Rural Texas


Cut calories, cut carbs, don’t be sedentary – this traditional advice, while well-intentioned, often misses the mark in today's health landscape. We want our patients to live healthy, full lives. However, these statements evoke feelings of shame and hopelessness. In this presentation, we will explore the history of BMI and inclusive approaches to health measurement.  We will discuss the unique health barriers faced by rural, low-income Texans and brainstorm innovative strategies to positively influence their dietary choices. We will discover ways to positively influence patients without alienating them from their cultural foods and customs. By encouraging and meeting patients where they are, long lasting habit changes are possible. 

Page last updated 10:13 AM, February 7, 2024