Resources: Time Management

Steps to Maintain Time Management:

1. Make an example calendar

Manage your class load.

  • When do you want to start studying?
    • Find a time that best fits your schedule and reserve that time as a starting point.
  • How much time per assignment do you need?
    • Based on the difficulty of the assignment, decided how much time you will need to complete each assignment. Allow yourself extra time in case an assignment takes longer than expected, that way you are not rushing to your next scheduled event.
  • When to give yourself breaks?
    • Allow yourself 15-20 minute breaks in between studying in order to refresh your mind and allow yourself to take a brief step back. The biggest key to success while studying is to listen to your body. If you feel you need a longer break then allow that. Research has shown when you take short breaks in between studying, your mind is able to absorb more information along the way.

Allocate time for self-care

  • What is self-care?
    • Partaking in a task or not partaking in a task that is specific to you and your enjoyment. The purpose of self-care is to allow you to do something for yourself that benefits your mental health. Such as:
      • Spending time outside
      • Eating your favorite foods
      • Getting enough sleep or extra sleep
      • Painting
      • Listening to music

2. Take note of where you are spending your time

Track daily activities.

  • Note which activities have been taking up more time and which activities you are able to toss that are not benefiting yourself or your schoolwork.
  • Buy a planner that is scheduled out by the hour of each day and track what you complete in a week and then review your week and allow yourself to take a step back and see what it is you are completing in a week.

3. Mix online and paper resources

  • Managing how long you are spending doing your work on an electronic device versus paper will impact the time your mind is able to concentrate on the task at hand.
  • Try to spend no more than an hour on an electronic device when working, then switch to written homework to allow your eyes a break.
  • Research has shown that students are able to better absorb information from note taking if they are handwritten notes. Once you write your notes by hand in class, enter them into an electronic device. This way you are reviewing as you are entering them in.

4. Watch your stress levels

Time management is said to have a positive impact on reducing stress levels.

  • When your day is planned out, it is less likely for us to become stressed. This is due to knowing what is coming next and what to be prepared for throughout the day.

5. Create Time management goals

  • Set goals week by week.
  • Allow these goals to be shifted and shaped to meet your personal needs.
  • These could be assignments completed, readings done early, or organization of school work.

6. Establish a routine and stick with it

  • Trial and error.
  • Find a routine that fits your lifestyle and be consistent when putting the routine into action.
  • Write this routine down in a planner or journal in order to keep yourself accountability for sticking to a routine at least Monday through Friday.

7. Remember that your time belongs to YOU

  • You make your day look the way you want it to look.
  • If there is something that you do not feel is needed or beneficial anymore, you have the power to remove it from your daily schedule.
How to manage your time better

15 tip to manage your time better

Time Management Advice

How to manage time more effectively

Page last updated 4:07 PM, September 16, 2024