Resources: Note Taking

4 Note Taking Methods for Success

1. The Outline Method

  • New topics followed by independent sub-topics.
  • Listen and write key points.
  • Keep notes organized.
  • Group related concepts.

2. The Cornell-Note Taking System

  • The chart-style method is structured so key points, study cues and summaries appear in an easy-to-digest place on paper.
  • Divide your paper into two columns, allow the right column to be larger than the left. Use the right as your notes and the left as your questions and comments.

3. The Mapping Method

  • Place main ideas in the center of the page and have lines and bubbles moving outward from the center with ideas related to the center idea forming new thoughts.
  • Use as many line/bubbles as you need to map out your thoughts and ideas.

4. Handwritten notes

  • Studies have shown that those who write their notes by hand are more likely to remember them than those who type them or input them into an electronic device.
  • By writing something by hand, our brains process and absorb the information at a faster rate.

Note Taking Tips

Highlight the key points
  • Find the overriding concept for each class or chapter.
  • Decipher what are the key points and what does not need to be written down.
Always Keep your notes shorts
  • You may tend to get lost in paragraph length notes.
Build your notes in question/answer form
  • Use headings for starting questions and then answer in your own words in order for you to better understand the material.
Spend 10-15 minutes every day looking over your notes in order for them to stay fresh in your mind
  • This allows your mind to begin to memorize and absorb the information on the notes the more you refresh yourself by looking over them.
How to take great notes

How to take great notes

How to take notes in college

5 note-taking methods no one talks about

Page last updated 3:57 PM, September 16, 2024