
The Psychology Department has developed a peer-to-peer mentorship program designed to connect first-year psychology students with a Peer Mentor who has familiarity with TWU and the Psychology program. Peer-to-peer mentors share experiences and utilize their skills to help students achieve success!

Undergraduate Peer Mentorship: Our Mission

The mission of the Undergraduate Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program is to create supportive one-on-on mentoring relationships for first-year psychology students. The Undergraduate Mentorship Program focuses on these four areas:

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Value-based goal setting
  • Enhanced self of belonging and self-esteem
  • Academic skill development

Who are Peer Mentors?

The Peer Mentors are experienced undergraduate students who have demonstrated high levels of success within the psychology program. Peer Mentors begin working with incoming psychology students within the first month of each semester. Together, the Mentors and participating students develop a plan for success and schedule times to meet regularly to achieve short-term goals. Peer Mentors meet regularly with support staff to consult on various issues and questions brought up by mentees.

Who can be a Mentee?

The Undergraduate Mentorship Program sends an email to all eligible psychology students directly to invite them to participate. Students wishing to participate in the program will fill out an interest form that can be found here.

Mentees accepted into the program stand to benefit tremendously. Participants will receive advice regarding study skills, test taking strategies, accessing key campus resources, time management, and setting and achieving goals. Overall, the program aims to increase self-awareness, value-based decision making, and sense of belonging and esteem. All aspects of the program come together to support academic performance and overall well-being.

Are you an incoming first-year who's interested in being a Mentee?

Fill out the MENTEE INTEREST FORM and let us know what you hope to gain from being. a mentee. We'll also ask a little bit about your interests and personality so that we can pair a mentor who's just right for you!

Are you an upper-level undergraduate student who is interested in being a Mentor?

Mentors joining the program to work with first-year psychology students learn valuable skills that will help them both in their academics and outside of school, including active listening, value-based assessment, and goal setting.

Those interested in becoming an Undergraduate Peer Mentor must meet the following requirements:

  • Be in good academic standing with the University
  • Have Psychology as a declared major
  • Be a current junior or senior within the undergraduate psychology program
  • currently enrolled in upper-level psychology courses
  • Have/maintain a GPA of 3.5 or above

Think you fit the bill as an Undergraduate Mentor?

  1. Fill out the Undergraduate Peer Mentorship Interest form to let us know a little bit more about you and your goals of becoming a Peer Mentor as well as what you're like as a person. This helps us pair you with a mentee with similar interests.
  2. Have two references fill out the Undergraduate Peer Mentor Reference form to help us grasp what it's like to work with you and help us pair you with a mentee who will be a good fit.

Potential Mentees

Are you a first-year undergraduate student looking for extra support? Sign up today and you'll be paired with a third- or fourth-year student in the program. You'll be able to:

  • receive guidance from someone further in the program
  • get connected with someone who understands
  • learn about tips and resources from someone with experience
  • build connections in our department

Potential Mentors

Our department is looking for high-achieving third- and fourth-year students (or those who have reached junior or senior classification) to be mentors for first-year students. You'll be able to:

  • guide someone new to the college experience
  • add a fulfilling experience to your CV/resume
  • provide another student with your academic tips
  • feel more connected to our program community

Graduate Peer Mentorship

You read it right! We also have graduate-level peer mentorship, where an upper-level undergraduate student will be paired with a graduate-level student in our department. Mentees can increase their connections with those in the program, get questions about graduate school answered, or learn how to survive and thrive the last few years of the TWU undergraduate program.

Are you an upper-level undergraduate student who's interested in being a Mentee?

Fill out THIS FORM and let us know what you hope to gain from being a mentee, tell us where you are in your program, what your career goals are, and how our mentors can best support your academic journey.

Those interested in becoming an Graduate Peer Mentor must meet the following requirements:

  • Be in good academic standing with the University
  • Be a current graduate student in one of the the Social Work, Psychology, and Philosophy Department's programs
Contact Otter Day (she/they) at for more information.

Page last updated 4:24 PM, August 3, 2022