Three OT students volunteer with Foster Grandparent Program

Three students from Texas Woman’s School of Occupational Therapy gave a presentation on fall prevention to volunteers from the Foster Grandparent Program in Denton on Wednesday, Sept. 14.

Madison Page, Jenna Shrum and Madison Trahan volunteered their time after hearing about the request from the OT school. Diane P. Brown, PhD, interim associate director of the School of Occupational Therapy, was contacted by the Foster Grandparent Program, which meets once a month for training. The volunteers are 55 and older and mentor children in local schools.  

The second-year OT clinical doctoral students put together a Power Point presentation and provided handouts that illustrated helpful tips that the volunteers could incorporate in their daily routines to avoid falls. The trio made the session interactive for the group and included a question-and-answer portion. 

Page last updated 2:19 PM, September 16, 2022