Ellina Grigorieva, PhD
Professor, TWU Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Email: egrigorieva@twu.edu
Research Interests
- Optimal control theory
- Game theory
- Modeling and control of epidemics
- Optimal control of HIV, allergy and other immune disorders
- Math education (methods of solving complex math problems)
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses
- MATH 1013 (Introduction to Mathematics)
- MATH 1023 (Introduction to Mathematics)
- MATH 1303 (Elementary Analysis 1)
- MATH 1313 (Elementary Analysis 2)
- MATH 1703 (Elementary Statistics 1)
- MATH 1713 (Elementary Statistics 2)
- MATH 2203 (Business Analysis 1)
- MATH 2213 (Business Analysis 2)
- MATH 2014 (Introductory Calculus 1)
- MATH 2024 (Introductory Calculus 2)
- MATH 3083 (Elementary Number Theory)
- MATH 3123 (Differential Equations)
- MATH 3073 (Matrix Methods)
- MATH 3063 (Linear Algebra)
Graduate Courses
- MATH 5593 (Differential Equations)
- MATH 5513 (Matrix Algebra)
- MATH 5423 (History of Mathematics)
- MATH 5523 (Intro Number Theory)
- MATH 5033 (Advanced Calculus)
- MATH 5833 (Computer-Aided Mathematical Modeling)
- MATH 5913 (Optimal Control Theory)
Refereed Publications
- Ellina Grigorieva "Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems," 2018, Birkhauser https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319909141. Grigorieva's fourth book was ranked as one of the best number theory books of all time by BookAuthority.
BookAuthority is the world's leading site for book recommendations by thought leaders, helping you find great books to develop your skills. - Ellina Grigorieva "Methods of Solving Sequence and Series Problems," 2016, Birkhauser, http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319456850
- Ellina Grigorieva "Methods of Solving Nonstandard Problems", September 24, 2015 is available at http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319198866
- Ellina Grigorieva "Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems", August 19, 2013 is available at http://www.springer.com/978-3-319-00704-5
Recent Selected Papers (2013-2021)
- E. Grigorieva, E. Khailov, and A. Korobeinikov, 2021, "Optimal Quarantine-Related Strategies for COVID-19 Control Models," Studies in Applied Mathematics. http://doi.org/10.1111/sapm.12393.
Author's note: At the time when this paper was written, quarantine-related strategies (from full lockdown to some relaxed preventive measures) were the only available measure to control coronavirus disease 2019. - E. Khailov, E. Grigorieva and A. Klemenkova, 2021, “ Optimal Strategies for CAR T -Cell Therapy of the Leukemia Treatment” (MDPI, Games, Special Edition on Optimal Control Theory) PDF Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4336/11/4/53/pdf
- Ellina Grigorieva and Evgenii Khailov, 2021, “Optimal Strategies for Achieving Immune Balance in a Mathematical Model of Allergy Treatment" of Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Vol.6, N2, pp.317-351.
- N.L. Grigorenko, E.N. Khailov, E.V. Grigorieva, A.D. Klimenkova, 2021, “Optimal Strategies in the Treatment of Cancers in the Lotka-Volterra Model of Competition”, Proceedings of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Vol 312, Suppl.1, pp S1-S17.
- Abdon E. Choque-Rivero, Ellina V. Grigorieva, Evgenii N. Khailov, 2020, “Optimizing the Quarantine Cost for Suppression of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Mexico,” Revista de Matem´atica: Teor´ıa y Aplicaciones https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/matematica/issue/current
Vol. 28 Núm. 1 (2021): Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones | Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones - Ellina Grigorieva, 2020, "A Model of the Optimal Immunotherapy of Psoriasis by Introducing IL - 10 and IL - 22 Inhibitor", Journal of Biological Systems (JBS), Vol. 28, No. 3 (2020) 1–31 https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218339020500084
- E. V. Grigorieva and E. N. Khailov. 2020, MINIMUM-TIME OPTIMAL CONTROL FOR A MODEL OF BIOLOGICAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT. Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Vol. 31, No. 2, DOI 10.1007/s10598-020-09487-7 https://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1007/s10598-020-09487-7
- Grigorieva Ellina and Evgenii Khailov, 2020 “Optimal Strategies of the Psoriasis Treatment by Suppressing the Interaction Between T-Lymphocytes and Dendritic Cells”, chapter in the book “Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Modeling, ” Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics,Vol. 302 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0422-8
- Grigorieva, E.V., E. Khailov and A. Korobeinikov. 2020, "Optimal Controls of the Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy" Hindawi, (https://www.hindawi.com/journals/aaa/2020/8107106/)
- Grigorieva, E. V., E.N. Khailov, 2019, “Chattering and its Approximation in Control of Psoriasis Treatment”, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, Vol. 24 (5), pp.2251-2280, DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2019094.
- Grigorieva E.V., Grigorenko N.L., Khailov E.N., 2019, “Application of Optimal Control in Immune Therapy of Allergy” in the book “Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” ISBN 978-5-317-06133-3, Max Press, Vol 1, pp. 267-270
- E.N. Khailov, E.V. Grigorieva, “On a Third-order Singular Arc of Optimal Control in a Minimization Problem for a Mathematical Model of Psoriasis Treatment”, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2019, vol. 304, pp.281-291, ISSN 0081-5438, DOI: 10.1134/S0081543819010218. MR3951627.
- Grigorenko, N. L., Grigorieva, E.V., Khailov, E.N., Roy P., 2019, "Optimal Control Problems for a Mathematical Model of the Treatment of Psoriasis" Journal of Computational Mathematics and Modeling, pp.1-12 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10598-019-09461-y
- Grigorieva E.V., E. Khailov, 2019, “Singular and non-singular optimal strategies for psoriasis control model'', Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, vol.4, no.2, pp 219-246
- Grigorieva E.V., N.L. Grigorenko, E.N. Khailov, 2019, “Application of optimal control in immune therapy of allergy”, Contemporary problems of mathematics and mechanics, Proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of academician V.A. Sadovnichy, Moscow, MAX Press, pp. 267-270, ISBN 978-5-31-706133-3, DOI: 10.29003/m978-5-317-06111-1.
- Grigorieva E.V. and Khailov E.N. 2018, “Optimal Strategies for Psoriasis Treatment”, Math. Comput. Appl. ( MCA), Vol.23, 45, (30 pages), Special Issue “Optimization in Control Applications” MR3868528. Available online: http://www.mdpi.com/2297-8747/23/3/45/pdf
- Grigorieva E.V., Khailov.E.N. and A. Korobeinikov, 2018, “Optimal Control for a SEIR Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate”, Studies in Applied Mathematics, pp. 353-398. MR3865597. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/sapm.12227
- Grigorieva E.V. and Khailov E.N., 2018, “Determination of the Optimal Controls for an Ebola Epidemic Model”. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 11, No 6, pp. 1071-1101, MR 3815133.
- Grigorieva E.V., Khailov E.N., 2018, “Optimal Strategies of psoriasis treatment by means of reduction of the interaction between T lymphocytes, keratinocytes and dendric cells in Immune Therapy of Allergy” in the book “System Analysis: Modeling and Control” Steklov Math Institute (Moscow), Vol 1, pp. 46-50.
- Ellina Grigorieva, 2018, “A Control Based Mathematical Study on the Role of Regulatory T-cells in the Inhibition of Psoriasis Using UVB Exposure Therapy” published in the book “Optimal Control and Differential Games”, pp.187-189, MaxPress.
- Grigorieva, E.V., 2018, “Control Models of Allergy Treatment” published in the book “Optimal Control and Differential Games”, pp.118-121, Max Press.
- Kumar E.A, Kumar R.P and E. Grigorieva, 2018, “Mathematical Insight on Psoriasis Regulation and Role of Th1 and Th2 Cells”, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol.15, N 3, pp.717-738, doi: 10.3934/mbe.2018032, MR3810811.
- Priti K. Roy and Grigorieva E.V., 2018, “Cost-Effective Analysis of Control Strategies to Reduce the Prevalence of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Based on a Mathematical Model”, Math. Comput. Appl. (MCA), Vol.23, 38, (29 pages), Special Issue “Optimization in Control Applications”. MR3868535. Available online: PDF Version: http://www.mdpi.com/2297-8747/23/3/38/pdf
- Grigorieva E.V. and Khailov E.N., 2018, “Optimal Strategies of the Psoriasis Treatment by Suppressing the Interactions between T-Lymphocytes, Keratinocytes and Dendritic Cells”, MAX Press, Springer
- Grigorieva E.V., Khailov E.N.<http://istina.msu.ru/workers/854300/>, 2017, “Optimal Preventive Strategies for SEIR Type Model of the 2014 Ebola Epidemics, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications and Algorithms, Vol. 24, pp. 155-182. MR3634423.
- Grigorieva E.V., Deignan P.B.<http://istina.msu.ru/workers/55817497/>, Khailov E.N.<http://istina.msu.ru/workers/854300/>, 2017, “Optimal Control Problem for a SEIR type Model of Ebola Epidemics<http://istina.msu.ru/publications/article/55817498/>”, Revista de Matematica: Teoria y Aplicaciones<http://istina.msu.ru/journals/2041179/>, Vol. 24, № 1, pp. 79-96. MR3613202.
- Grigorieva E.V., Khailov E.N. and A. Korobeinikov, 2017, “Reachable Set of a Control Model for a Two-Step Wastewater Biotreatment”. Comput. Math. Model. Vol 28, No 4, pp. 572—605. MR3722108.
- Grigorieva E.V. and Khailov E.N, 2016, "Estimating the Number of Switchings of the Optimal Interventions Strategies for SEIR Control Models of Ebola Epidemics" Journal of Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Vol.1, N4, pp. 541--572. MR3619687.
- Grigorieva E.V., Khailov, E.N., Korobeinikov A., 2016, “Optimal Control for a SIR Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate”. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 11, No 4, pp 89-104. DOI: 10.1051/mmnp/201611407
- Grigorieva E.V. and E.N. Khailov, 2015 “Optimal Intervention Strategies for a SEIR Control Model of Ebola Epidemics”, Mathematics, Vol.3, pp. 961-983
- Grigorieva E.V. and E.N. Khailov, 2015. “Analytical Study of Optimal Control Intervention Strategies for Ebola Epidemic Model”, SIAM, SP15, pp.392-399 (http://epubs.siam.org/doi/pdf/10.1137/1.9781611974072.54)
- Grigorieva E.V. and E.N. Khailov, 2015 “An Optimal Control Problem for Borrowing” Computational Mathematics and Modeling, Vol. 26, No1, pp.14-34.
- Grigorieva E. V. and E.N. Khailov, 2015. “Optimal Control for an Epidemic in Populations of Varying Size” Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems PP 549-561
- Grigorieva E.V. 2015. “Optimal Production-Sales Strategies for a Company at Changing Market Price”Mathematical Review, Vol 22(1), pp. 89-112.
- Grigorieva E. V. and E.N. Khailov, 2015. “Time Optimal Control Problem for the Waste Water Biotreatment Model”, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 21, N 1, pp 3-24.
- Grigorieva E. V. and E.N. Khailov, 2014. “Optimal Vaccination, Treatment, and Preventive Campaigns in Regard to the SIR Epidemic Model”, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., Vol. 9, No 4, pp 105-121.
- Grigorieva E.V., E.N. Khailov and A. Korobeinikov 2014. “Modeling and Optimal Control for Antiviral Treatment”, Special issue on Analytic Modeling in Biology and Medicine of Journal of Biological Systems, Vol. 22 , No. 2, pp. 199-217
- Khailov E.N., Grigorieva E.V., 2014 “On chattering solutions for the maximum principle boundary-value problem in the optimal control problem in microeconomics”, Computational Mathematics and Modeling, vol. 25, N 2, pp.158-168.
- Grigorieva E.V., E.N. Khailov, 2013. “Optimal control for a susceptible-infected-recovered infectious disease model J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. Vol 1(3), pp 1-8.
- Grigorieva E. V. and E.N. Khailov, 2013. “Optimal Control of HIV Treatment”, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Supplement Volume. Page 311-322.
- Grigorieva E.V., E.N. Khailov and A. Korobeinikov 2013. “Analysis of Optimal Control Problems of Wastewater Biological Treatment” Revista de Matem´atica: Teor´ıa y Aplicaciones, (ISSN 1409-2433) Vol. 20(2):103-118.
- Grigorieva E.V., Khailov E.N., Korobeinikov A., 2013 “Parametrization of the attainable set for a nonlinear control model of a biochemical process”, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol.10(4), pp. 1067-1094
Recent Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Grigorieva V. and E. Khailov, 2017, “Optimal preventive strategies for SEIR type model of the 2014 Ebola epidemics”, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, (forthcoming)
- Grigorieva E.V. and Khailov, E.N. 2016, “Comparison of approaches of estimating the number of switchings of the optimal controls in the optimal control epidemiology problem” , the proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Systems: Inverse problems, stability and Control Processes, Moscow Russia, September 22-23, 2016
- Grigorieva E.V., Khailov, E.N., Korobeinikov A., 2016, Optimal Control for a SIR Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 11(4), pp. 89—104, DOI: 10.1051/mmnp/201611407
- N. Khailov, E.V. Grigorieva, 2016, On splitting quadratic system of differential equations // Systems Analysis: Modeling and Control. Abstr. Intern. Conf. in memory of Acad. Arkady Kryazhimskiy (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 3-8 October, 2016). Ekaterinburg, IMM UB RAS, 2016. P.64-66.
Dr. Grigorieva’s Bio
Ellina Grigorieva was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. From the age of two, her family members noted that she could sing a melody accurately and beautifully, even before she could clearly talk. As a young girl, Ellina trained professionally as a musician and attended music school, where she studied violin and piano for seven years. During college, she sang soprano and traveled all over the world with the Moscow State University Academic Choir. It was during one of these trips that Ellina witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent reunification of Germany.
After winning a math Olympiad, Ellina was admitted to Lomonosov Moscow State University without exams. She graduated with summa cum laude honors and a gold medal, and went on to earn her Ph.D. in physical and mathematical sciences.
Today, Ellina still loves singing and playing classical and modern pop music. Her weekends are busy, and she can often be found working on a new scientific research paper, attending the Dallas Symphony, viewing an opera, or shopping with her daughter Sasha.
Page last updated 9:15 AM, June 14, 2024