Maria E. Barua, PhD

Maria Barua

Assistant Professor, College of Business
Program Area: International Business

Professional Preparation

  • PhD, University of Texas at El Paso, International Business (Marketing)
  • MBA, University of Texas at El Paso, General Studies
  • BBA, University of Texas at El Paso, Marketing


Maria E. Barúa joined TWU as an assistant professor in International Business in 2013. She was born in Mexico City and graduated with her PhD in international business with a concentration in marketing at The University of Texas at El Paso. Dr. Barúa holds considerable work experience in marketing and international business after working for eight years as marketing manager and having lived in the U.S. – Mexico border for more than 25 years.

Her teaching interests are in international business, marketing, and marketing management. Her research interests are in the areas of international trade, marketing strategy, supply chain management and Hispanic markets. She speaks three languages: Spanish, English and Italian. Dr. Barúa currently serves as faculty advisor for ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals for America).

Representative Publications

Gau, R., Ramirez, E., Barua, M. E., & Gonzalez, R. (2014). Community-based initiatives and poverty alleviation in subsistence marketplaces. Journal of Macromarketing34(2), 160-170.

Jimenez, F. R., Hadjimarcou, J., Barua, M. E., & Michie, D. A. (2013). A cross-national and cross-generational study of consumer acculturation to advertising appeals. International Marketing Review30(5), 418-439.

Barua, M.E. & Michie D.A. (2014). The Role of Opportunism within the Context of Resource Advantage Theory: A Conceptual Framework. Society of Marketing Advances, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Barua, M.E. & Michie D.A. (2012). A Proposed Model of Supply Chain Management: The Cooperation-Competition-Opportunism Continuum. Volume 23, 2012 American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida

Page last updated 12:45 PM, August 5, 2022