Jason Lambert, PhD
![Jason Lambert](/media/images/college-of-business/Lambert,-Jason-300.jpg)
Associate Professor
Merrilee Alexander Kick College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Program Area: Human Resources and Management
Professional Preparation
PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, Management
BA, Columbia College Chicago, Management
Dr. Jason R. Lambert is an Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business at Texas Woman’s University. Dr. Lambert received his Ph.D. in Business Administration with a Management concentration from the University of Texas at Arlington, and his scholarship and teaching primarily cover organizational behavior and workplace diversity. Before serving in higher education, his professional career spanned 10 years in managerial roles in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. His research investigates how business practices and policies impact the perceptions and work attitudes of workers from traditionally marginalized identity groups to affect organizational outcomes.
Dr. Lambert has received the "Most Promising Educator Award" from the Ph.D. Project, the "African- American Achievement Award" from Saint Xavier University as their first African-American Chair of the Management & Marketing Department, and the "Best Theory to Practice Paper Award" from the Academy of Management Healthcare Management Division. His research has been presented at both regional and international conferences such as South by Southwest (SXSW), Academy of Management, and the Southern Management Association. He has written op-eds for the Chicago Tribune, New Orleans City Business, and has published his academic research in journals including, but not limited to, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Personnel Review.
Representative Publications
Gavino, M., Lambert, J., & Akinlade, D. (2021). Diversity Climate of Respect and the Impact on Faculty Extra Role Behaviors. Journal of Business Diversity, 21(3), 97-114.
Leopold, J., Lambert, J., Ogunyomi, I., & Bell, M.P. (2021). The hashtag heard round the world: How #MeToo did what laws did not. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 40(4), 461-476.
Gavino, M., Lambert, J., Elgayeva, E., & Akinlade, E. (2021). HR Practices, Customer Outcomes, and OCBO: the POS-Engagement Mediation Chain. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 33 (2), 77-97.
Akinlade, D., Lambert, J. R., & Zhang, P. (2020). Mechanisms for hiring discrimination of immigrant applicants in the United States. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 39 (4), 395-417.
Lambert, J. & Akinlade, E. (2020). Immigrant stereotypes and differential screening. Personnel Review, 49(4), 921-938.
Lambert J., & Leopold, J. (2019). Diversity in organizations. Principles of Management (pp. 369 – 406). Houston, TX: Open Stax.
Page last updated 10:33 AM, September 13, 2024