Benefits at TWU
The Texas Woman’s University benefits package is a valuable part of your employment.
As a state employee Benefits are offered under a group program administered by:
- Employees Retirement System of Texas
- Teacher Retirement System of Texas
- Optional Retirement Program and
- Texas Woman’s University.
A Regular Employee is defined as one who is employed to work one-half time or more for a period of at least four and one-half months, excluding students employed in positions which require student status as a condition of employment. Regular employees are eligible for University benefits, i.e., vacation, sick leave, holidays with pay, and insurance, and must participate in a retirement program.
Regular employment may be:
- Full-employees working 4 and ½ months and 40 or 30 hours per week for insurance purposes.
- Part-time is anyone working 20 hours per week for 4 and ½ months.
- Student assistants are not eligible for benefits even if working 20 hours per week.
A Temporary Employee is defined as one who is employed to work less than four and one-half months. Temporary assignments are usually seasonal in nature and may include periods during student registration, vacation and holiday relief, and emergency assistance. Temporary employees are not eligible for University benefits.
The following is an overview that includes premiums and all options available to TWU Staff and Faculty who are classified as regular employees.
Benefits Synopsis
This Retirement and Benefits Overview will include rates.
Tuition Assistance Program
Texas Woman’s University is committed to supporting benefits that recruit and retain high quality faculty and staff while promoting development opportunities that assist employees and their dependents in pursuing their higher education goals. In keeping with this philosophy, the university is establishing a Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) to waive certain tuition and fees when enrolled in classes at TWU.
Eligible for employees in good standing and their dependents (spouse and/or unmarried child under the age of 26 years)
- Employees may take classes for up to 6 credit hours per semester
- No credit hour limit per semester for dependents
Tuition and fees to be waived:
- Designated tuition
- University Services Fee
- Student Services Fee
- Fitness and Recreation Fee
- Medical Services Fee
- Student Center Fee
The TAP guidelines and application can be found in the Knowledge Base.
Medical Plan
HealthSelect and The Consumer Directed HealthSelect of Texas plans are offered through ERS (Employees Retirement System). These plans are currently administered by BCBS of Texas. Coverage is effective the first day of the month following the 60th day of employment. Employee only coverage for full time employees is paid fully by the employer at no cost to the employee along with a $5,000 term life insurance policy for the employee. TWU pays 50% of all dependent medical coverage with the other 50% paid by the employee. The prescription program is administered by OptumRX and automatic for those enrolled in a medical plan.
- HealthSelect of Texas—This is a point-of-service health plan. If you are enrolled in this plan you need to choose an in-network PCP (primary Care Physician). Your PCP coordinates and manages most referrals you may need to see a specialist. If you access in-network benefits you will not pay a deductible and will pay a $25 co-pay to your PCP and a $40 co-pay to your specialist. You pay a 20% co-insurance for any services performed outside your provider’s office with a $2,000 annual co-insurance maximum per individual.
- Consumer Directed Health Select—This is a high-deductible health plan with a health savings account (HSA). You are responsible for paying the full cost of health care (except preventative care) until you reach your annual deductible of $2,100 per individual or $4,200 per family for in-network services. Referrals are not required to see a specialist.
Spending Accounts
Flexible Spending Accounts
A TexFlex account is a flexible spending account (FSA) that allows you to set aside money your paycheck, pre-tax, to use for eligible out-of-pocket expenses. You can contribute to a health care and a dependent care account.
- Health Care Account—Used to pay eligible medical, dental, vision, hearing, and prescription drug expenses.
- Dependent Care Account—Used to pay eligible expenses including child day care and adult day care programs.
Health Savings Account (HSA)
HSA available to employees who elect the Consumer Directed HealthSelect medical plan administered by BCBS. The state provides $45 per month to those enrolled in member only coverage and $90 per month to those who add a spouse, and/or children to the Consumer Directed HealthSelect plan.
Each regular employee of the University is required to participate in the Teacher Retirement System (TRS). On the first date of employment, full-time faculty, certain administrators, and professional librarians are eligible for participation in the Optional Retirement Program (ORP). ORP eligible employees must choose ORP within the first 90 days of employment. The decision to enter either plan is an irrevocable decision in all State of Texas Public Higher Education Institutions. Employees whose position requires student status as a condition of employment are excluded from eligibility for retirement programs.
- Teacher’s Retirement System: TRS is a defined benefit pension plan whereby the “defined” annuity paid to retirees is determined by a predefined formula established by law.
- Optional Retirement Program: The Optional Retirement Program is a 403b defined contribution plan whereby employees manage their own funds through one of six vendors.
Voluntary Retirement
- TexaSaver is a 457 voluntary retirement savings plan offered through ERS with pre-tax and Roth options.
- TWU offers a 403b voluntary retirement savings plan with pre-tax and Roth Options.
Optional Benefits
You are eligible to enroll in one of 3 dental plans: the Dental HMO plan, the State of Texas Dental Choice Plan (PPO), or the Dental Discount Plan.
Voluntary AD&D
This benefits offers protection to you or your family in the event of an accident based on the level of coverage you choose between $10,000 and $200,000.
Optional Term Life
Optional life coverage can be purchased up to four times the annual salary with a maximum of $400,000. Coverage premiums are based on your age and level of coverage. You can purchase 1 or 2 times your salary during your first 30 days of employment with no questions asked. If you purchase 3 or 4 times Evidence of Insurability is required.
Short Term Disability/Long Term Disability
The Texas Income Protection Plan (TIPP) offers short and long term disability coverage to eligible employees in the event an illness or injury prevents you from working.
Dependent Term Life
This coverage offers $5,000 of term life insurance for all your dependents for $1.38 per month.
TWU Pioneer Extra Benefits
Administered by Allstate, fully paid by the employee offering supplemental coverage to your medical plan through pre-tax payroll deduction.
- Accident: This plan offers coverage for accident, injuries, ambulance services and accidental death.
- Critical Illness/Cancer: The Critical Illness and Cancer plan offers benefits following a serious illness or a condition such as a heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease or cancer.
- Hospital Indemnity: The Hospital Indemnity plan pays cash benefits to you based on coverage level when you are hospitalized.
Additional Voluntary Benefits
Offers group rate value for insurance products fully paid by the employee through after tax payroll deduction.
- Identity Theft and Legal Insurance: Identity Theft protection provides services to help prevent your identity from being stolen and can assist you in repairing your credit if your identity is stolen. Legal Assistance provides services such as a legal consultation for will preparation, traffic ticket defense, contract review, and other legal issues.
- MASA Emergency Assistance: The Emergency Assistance plan provides lifesaving, emergency assistance while at home, on the job or traveling.
- ASPCA Pet Insurance: Pet Insurance offers pay for quality veterinary care for your pets. This coverage is for cats and dogs only.
Employees Assistance Program (EAP)
The Employees Assistance Program (EAP) provides valuable services at no cost to employees and their families. These services include short-term counseling, legal and financial consultations and work/life resources. The EAP is administered through Alliance Work Partners.
Vacation and Sick Leave
Vacation Leave
All benefits eligible staff are eligible for paid vacation leave. Staff employees accrue at a monthly rate based on years of state service. A regular part-time staff employee shall earn a pro rata share based on the percentage worked. A Maximum number of hours may be carried over each fiscal year. Any number of hours beyond the limit will roll to sick leave. Staff accrue on the first day of employment but may not use the hours until 6 months of state service has been completed.
Sick Leave
Sick leave entitlement shall be earned by a regular full-time employee at the current rate of 8 hours per month. A regular part-time staff employee shall earn a pro rata share based on the percentage worked. Sick leave may be taken when sickness, injury, or pregnancy and confinement prevent the employee’s performance of duty or his immediate family is actually ill. There is no limit to the number of hours accrued by a full-time employee. Sick leave is accrued as of the first date of employment and can be used on the first date of employment.
For additional information
Find out more at the following websites:
- TWU Benefits:
- Employees Retirement System:
- Teacher Retirement System:
The TWU Annual Security & Fire Safety Report is available for prospective employees to review. The report contains certain crime and fire statistics for the previous three years as well as other important campus security policy statements and resources. The report can be found here:
Page last updated 11:25 AM, July 17, 2023