Benefits at TWU

Proud to be a designated Texas mother-friendly worksite

The Texas Woman’s University benefits package is a valuable part of your employment.

As a state employee Benefits are offered under a group program administered by:

A Regular Employee is defined as one who is employed to work one-half time or more for a period of at least four and one-half months, excluding students employed in positions which require student status as a condition of employment. Regular employees are eligible for University benefits, i.e., vacation, sick leave, holidays with pay, and insurance, and must participate in a retirement program.

Regular employment may be:

  1. Full-employees working 4 and ½ months and 40 or 30 hours per week for insurance purposes.
  2. Part-time is anyone working 20 hours per week for 4 and ½ months.
  3. Student assistants are not eligible for benefits even if working 20 hours per week.

A Temporary Employee is defined as one who is employed to work less than four and one-half months. Temporary assignments are usually seasonal in nature and may include periods during student registration, vacation and holiday relief, and emergency assistance. Temporary employees are not eligible for University benefits.

The following is an overview that includes premiums and all options available to TWU Staff and Faculty who are classified as regular employees.

Benefits Synopsis

This Retirement and Benefits Overview will include rates.

For additional information

Find out more at the following websites:

The TWU Annual Security & Fire Safety Report is available for prospective employees to review. The report contains certain crime and fire statistics for the previous three years as well as other important campus security policy statements and resources. The report can be found here:

Page last updated 11:25 AM, July 17, 2023