Ethics and Compliance Hotline

The Office of Compliance manages and addresses concerns raised by individuals who believe a member of the TWU Community has violated a law, regulation, policy, or acted in an unethical manner. All members of the TWU Community should help make sure the University conducts its business with honesty and integrity. To help, faculty, staff, students, guests, and university affiliates (the “TWU Community”) should report all instances of possible violations of law, regulations, and University Policy.

TWU has implemented an Ethics and Compliance Hotline that provides a confidential way for the TWU Community to report instances of suspected wrongdoing in a manner that preserves anonymity and assures non-retaliation. The TWU Ethics and Compliance Hotline is in place to provide assurances that all individuals throughout TWU are held to the highest standards of ethical behavior. Every person at every level within our organization has an obligation to perform their duties with the utmost degree of honesty and integrity. TWU is committed to preventing, detecting, and correcting violations of law and University policy.

If you are concerned for the immediate safety of yourself or others, please dial 911 or contact TWU’s Police Department at 940-898-2911. Do not use the Ethics and Compliance Hotline for emergency situations. TWU takes every report we receive seriously, but the Office of Compliance is not able to assist in emergency or critical situations.

How to Report Suspected Noncompliance at TWU (Ethics and Compliance Hotline):

If you suspect a member of the TWU Community is behaving illegally or unethically, please speak up and report your concerns. Any member of the TWU Community may report a situation or conduct they believe violates a law, regulation, or University policy. Examples of reportable concerns include illegal or fraudulent activity, financial misstatements or irregularities, conflicts of interest, unethical conduct, or violations of laws, rules, regulations, policies, or procedures. If you have questions as to whether an action is reportable or not, please contact your supervisor or the Director of Compliance.

The Ethics and Compliance Hotline is managed by an external company called Lighthouse Services. Lighthouse Services' reporting system is available 24/7, and is confidential and anonymous.

Report Online:

Available in English and Spanish: Lighthouse Services

Report by Phone:

English: 844-406-0004

Spanish: 800-216-1288

Report by Email: *You must include TWU in the report and we encourage you to use the Report Online option above in lieu of emailing.

TWU does not tolerate retaliatory action toward individuals who in good faith, report, seek guidance regarding compliance matters, or participate in any compliance related investigations. Any individuals found to have engaged in retaliation will be disciplined up to and including termination.

Other Reporting Options:

TWU Community members may report suspected compliance failures to their supervisors, as well as TWU Administration including the Office of Human Resources, Office of Audit Services, Office of General Counsel, and Office of Compliance.

Employees are encouraged to address compliance concerns through TWU’s administrative channels. To report suspected compliance violations of any kind, including violations related to the ethics policy, fraud and abuse, conflicts of interest, financial reporting, internal accounting controls, or audit matters:

For Employee Relations Issues: Contact the Director of Human Resources, Phone 940-898-3563

For Title IX: Contact the Title IX Coordinator, Phone 940-898-2969

For Faculty Issues: Contact the Faculty Ombudsperson

For Student Issues: Contact the Office of Civility and Community Standards, Phone 940-898-2968

Texas State Auditor’s Office Hotline: You may also report suspected fraud, waste, and abuse involving state resources to the Texas State Auditor’s Office Hotline at 1-800-TX-AUDIT (1-800-892-8348).  You can find additional information on the Texas State Auditor's Office Hotline Website.

Page last updated 8:23 AM, January 3, 2025