B.S. in Health Studies

The Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences prepares you for a career as a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®), with the skills to direct, create or evaluate education programs that promote wellness and prevent disease.

Careers & Salaries

Earning your health studies degree at TWU allows you to enter the community and public health field. Salaries vary widely, According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a median annual income for a health education specialist is $62,860.

Why Health Studies at TWU?

Improve Public Health: Health education and promotion professionals are critical in improving public health by raising awareness about various health issues, promoting healthy behaviors and advocating for policies and programs that can positively impact community well-being. By studying this field, individuals can contribute to addressing pressing health challenges such as chronic diseases, infectious diseases, mental health issues, and more.

Foster Health Equity: Health education and health promotion emphasize addressing health disparities and inequalities. Students in this field learn how to develop and implement programs and policies that promote equity in healthcare access and outcomes, positively impacting marginalized communities and underserved populations.  

Career Opportunities: A degree in health studies with health education and health promotion-focused courses can open up a wide range of career opportunities in both the public and private sectors. Graduates can work in healthcare settings, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, schools, corporate wellness programs, and community health initiatives. This versatility allows individuals to pursue careers that align with their interests and passions, whether in health communication, program planning and evaluation, health policy advocacy or health coaching.  

Certification: After completing this program, you will be eligible to take the CHES® exam, which can lead to expanded job opportunities post-graduation.

Program Requirements

This program requires 120 hours, of which 55 cover health studies topics. Core courses address the Eight Areas of Responsibility for Health Education Specialists 

As a student in this program, you will complete an internship of 350 hours during the last semester of your senior year. Qualifying organizations include non-profit health agencies, health departments, wellness programs and local, state and national health agencies. A minimum GPA of 2.75 is required to be placed in an internship and to graduate.

Full program requirements are listed in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Admission Requirements

For More Information

Dennise Mendez
Coordinator of Academic Advising, School of Health Promotion & Kinesiology
Undergraduate Academic Advisor II
Office: PH 212
P: 940 898 2606

Shaun Stokes
Academic Advisor II
Office: PH 211
Phone: 940-898-2431
Email: sstokes3@twu.edu 

Angel Ahlbrandt
Academic Advisor II
Office: PH 210
P: 940 898 2988
Email: aahlbrandt@twu.edu

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Page last updated 9:41 AM, December 5, 2024