Kai-Li Tsai, PhD

Ka-Li Tsai

Associate Professor, Merrilee Alexander Kick College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Program Area: Health Care Administration

Professional Preparation

  • PhD, University of California at Los Angeles, Health Services, Economics
  • MS, Harvard University School of Public Health, Health Policy & Management
  • BS, China Medical College - Taichung, Taiwan, Public Health


Kai-Li Tsai, PhD, is trained as both a health service researcher and health economist. His doctoral dissertation was an example of econometric applications in health services research using the Herfindahl index to represent the level of competition among hospital markets to examine its impacts on patient outcomes and provider behaviors while controlling other confounding factors.

Working at Rand Corporation as both a consultant and research associate also helped him enhance and identify both his research ability and study interests with a focus on patient outcome. Throughout the past 17 years as a faculty member, Dr. Tsai has been teaching courses in healthcare quality management, epidemiology, health economic and financial analysis. He’s also been working as the principal investigator or co-investigator on several previous university, cross-university and inter-disciplinary research grants and projects. He has participated in studies and published peer-review articles in patient quality and outcome management, cost accounting and healthcare finance.

Representative Publications

Pei-Fen Chang, Hersch, Gayle; Birch Evans, Anlee; Tsai, Kai-Li; Davidson, Harriett; Testing an Occupation-Based Cultural Group Intervention for Residents in Long-Term Care Settings, 2017 AOTA Annual Conference & Centennial Celebration, Philadelphia, PA, March 31, 2017.

Hersch, Gayle; Birch Evans, Anlee; Tsai, Kai-Li; Davidson, Harriett; Amspoker, Amy; Watson, Ann; The Occupational Based Cultural Heritage Intervention Group in Long-Term Care Facilities” at the Texas Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA) 2016 Mountain Central Conference in Sugarland, TX. Marriott Hotel Nov. 6, 2016.

Hersch, Gayle; Birch Evans, Anlee; Tsai, Kai-Li; Davidson, Harriett; Amspoker, Amy; Watson, Ann; The interdisciplinary collaborative research team present a research manuscript “Intervention in Long-Term Care: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Model” at the Texas Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA) 2015 Mountain Central Conference in Richardson, Texas on Nov. 7 , 2015.

Hersch, Gayle; Birch Evans, Anlee; Tsai, Kai-Li; Davidson, Harriett; Amspoker, Amy; Watson, Ann; “Testing an Occupation-Based Cultural Heritage Intervention in Long-Term Care Facilities” Presenting the OBCHI research results at the Texas Occupational Therapy Association (TOTA) Gulf Coast District Meeting at the Shriner Hospital for Children, Houston, Texas. October 21, 2015 (1.5 Hours, Type 2).

Tsai, Kai-Li & Su, Bin-Guang; et. al., “An Exploration of Relationship Between the Literacy Level Among Pregnant Women and Their Willingness in Participating in Rooming-in Care for Newborn Infants in Taiwan”, Poster presentation at the Academy Health Association Annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 14-15, 2015.

Hersch, Gayle; Birch-Evans, Anlee; Davidson, Harriett; Freysteinson, Wyona; & Tsai, Kai-Li, “Intervention in Long-Term Care: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Model” Accepted by Gerontology Society of America, Groundbreaking Research, 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Nov. 20, 2013.

Tsai, Kai-Li & Su, Bin-Guang, et. al., “A Study of the Relationship between KAP and the Acceptance of the H1N1 Vaccine among Nurses in Taiwan” Accepted by Academy health 2013 Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD. June, 2013.

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