Pioneer Teaching and Learning Academy

Dr. Lionel Faure photo

"Participating in the pioneer teaching and learning academia (PTLA) provides an unparalleled opportunity for new and advanced TWU teachers to shape and influence the future of education. By exploring innovative methods and strategies, PTLA participants have the potential to transform the way we teach and learn."

Lionel Faure, Ph.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, Biology

Purpose of the Academy

The purpose of the Pioneer Teaching and Learning Academy (PTLA) is to provide expert peer support and a forum for growth/enhancement in teaching and learning. The Academy will provide education and development activities for face-to-face (F2F), hybrid, and online teaching and learning practices. The PTLA experience includes introductory activities in teaching development, learning theory, and curricular innovation. The activities will then be supported by meetings over the course of the academic year. Participants, known as the PTLA Scholars will each be paired with a Mentor. This dyad, will also be supported by personnel from the Center for Faculty Success. The team will collaborate to transform teaching and learning practices of the Scholars and disseminate their projects to colleagues.

The Academy will offer faculty the opportunity to:

  • Explore current trends and research on teaching and learning
  • Meet and network with TWU units dedicated to teaching and learning
  • Transform personal teaching practice
  • Meet and interact with others passionate about teaching
  • Discuss issues of teaching and learning in a supportive environment
  • Provide additional support to help other participants improve teaching and learning

This program will help create a culture supportive of the scholarship of teaching and learning at TWU and will enhance the teaching skills of individual faculty members.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Jerry Burkett, EdD, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education photo

"PTLA provides an opportunity to gain a variety of perspectives to approach your teaching that can be adapted to your content and your students. I love working with my mentor, visiting his classes, and learning from him and his students."

Jerry Burkett, EdD, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education

Time Commitment

Applicants who are chosen to participate will be required to do the following:

Compensation for Scholars and Mentors

Funding will be released based on completion of Tier 1 and 2 activities. One half of total will be made available after completion of Tier 1. The remainder will be made available after completion of Tier 2 activities.

Note: The written report is not considered in the funding process for Scholars or Mentors. Submission of a proposal to present satisfies the Scholar’s commitment to present at the Teaching and Learning Symposium.

Page last updated 10:17 AM, May 24, 2024