Administrative Procedures

Create a New Distance Education Program

Curriculum & Strategic Initiatives provides detailed information on how to propose a new program as a Distance Education degree program. Review the information and if you need assistance or have questions before submitting your proposal, contact Faculty Success at 940-898-3500 or email.

How to Determine if a Course is Distance Education

As courses are added to WebAdvisor and the TWU Schedule of Classes, academic units are responsible for indicating to University Scheduling whether the course is distance education and, if so, the classification of the DE course. The simplest method to determine the classification is to look at the amount of time students and the instructor(s) will be required to meet in the same physical location. Please note that optional class meetings/orientations or synchronous, electronically-delivered class meetings by televideo, Zoom, etc. should not be included in this calculation. Upon determining the amount of time spent in face-to-face (F2F) instruction, please consult the table below.

swipe to see the full table

Course Semester Credit Hours TWU Minimum Class Time Distance Education Course Designation (Time in F2F Classroom)
1 SCH 14 hrs Less than 7 hrs
2 SCH 28 hrs Less than 14 hrs
3 SCH 42 hrs Less than 21 hrs


Distance Education Course

A course in which a majority (more than 50 percent) of the instructional activity occurs when student(s) and instructor(s) are in separate physical locations. Two categories of distance education courses are defined:

Categories (Effective 12/1/2023)

  • 100% Online Course - A DE course in which 100% of the instructional activity takes place when student(s) and instructor(s) are in separate physical locations.
    • Note: Requirements for on-campus or in-person orientations, testing, academic support services, internships/field, or other non-instructional activities do not exclude a course from this category. [coded as WEB]
  • Hybrid Course - A DE course in which more than 50% but less than 100% of instructional activity takes place when student(s) and Instructor(s) are in separate physical locations.  [coded as MIX]

Distance Education Degree or Certificate Program

A program in which a student may complete a majority (more than 50%) of the credit hours required for the program through distance education courses. Two categories of distance education programs are defined:

Categories (Effective 12/1/2023)

  • 100% Online Program - A degree program in which students complete 100% of the credit hours required for the program through 100% Online Courses.
    • Note: Requirements for on-campus or in-person orientations, testing, academic support services, internships/fieldwork, or other non-instructional activities do not exclude a program from this category.
  • Hybrid Program - A degree program in which students complete 50% or more but less than 100% of the credit hours required for the program through Distance Education Courses. 

Page last updated 3:41 PM, May 24, 2024