Education Abroad FAQs

Many answers to these questions will be: it depends. You’re unique and finding the right education abroad program for you means the answer to these general questions will be unique to you.

General Questions

Do I need a passport?

In most circumstances, yes you will need a passport. It can take 6-8 weeks to process your application. There are expedited services available. UNT has a Passport Office at their Denton campus. 

Do I need a visa?

It depends on the country and how long you are staying. Our partners provide resources and assistance if you need to navigate the visa process, which can take a few months. 

Can I apply to more than 1 program at a time?

It’s best to narrow down your options before applying. Talk to your Education Abroad Advisor to help find the right program for you. 

I am an international/transfer/graduate/etc. student. Can I still go abroad?

It depends on your specific situation, but usually yes, it’s possible. 

How soon do I need to start planning and what needs to be done when?

The sooner the better! It’s best to start 9-12 months in advance so that we can find the best fit for your goals and we can assist you with scholarship applications. Payments for your program (tuition, travel, etc.) start several months before you depart, so you’ll want to plan and apply far in advance so you have more time to pay it off before you go!

Can I study in a country where I don’t know the language?

Yes! All of the programs have courses that are taught in English. You can choose to study a language or take courses in the host country’s language. 

Can I withdraw from the program at any point?

Yes. Getting a refund will depend on circumstances and the program’s cancellation policies. Please review these policies to make informed decisions. 

How do I talk to my family about wanting to study or intern abroad?

For some, talking to your family may be stressful at first, especially if you are first generation or they haven’t gone abroad themselves. It can be important to have their support. We can help you prepare for these conversations. 

I have challenges (illness, accessibility needs, other considerations, etc). What accommodations are available to me?

We have resources available to explore. Most of the time, accommodations that you have here at TWU, you can receive abroad as well. We will work with you to prioritize your needs and concerns throughout the process and we work with partners that will also consider any specific accommodations you may need in your study abroad location.

I’m worried that my program location will not be accepting of my identities.

We are committed to helping you find the right program for you in the best location for your needs. We will do everything we can to support you throughout the process. We understand you may have concerns related to your identity that could impact your decision where you study abroad. We have many identity resources available.

Academic Questions

What are classes like abroad?

It depends. Some education systems are more rigorous than others, the structure of the course varies (papers, group projects, etc.), the size of a class will vary, and even how that country counts credits is different. Many of our programs also offer excursions, fieldwork, and other experiential learning. Our provider partners have local advisors who will give you a preview of what to expect with your academics abroad.

What are the minimum academic requirements to study abroad?

You need to be in good academic standing with TWU and while Education Abroad does not require a minimum GPA, the abroad program providers and/or host universities may require a minimum GPA. See the eligibility details for each program you consider during your Exploration phase.

Will studying abroad impact my graduation date?

It depends. If you plan early, you can stay on track with your degree plan.

Financial Questions

What is the average cost to study abroad?

It depends and varies based on factors like duration and location of the program. Faculty-Led Abroad Courses on average are $3,000 - $6,000. Harlaxton College is around $4,800 in the summer and $16,000 for a semester. Our worldwide partner providers average around $3,000 - $11,000 for a summer program and $8,500 - $25,000 for a semester.

What are the annual deadlines to apply for study abroad scholarships?

Scholarship cycles are in the Fall and Spring prior to the upcoming semester or year abroad. Always work ahead! 

Post-Completion/ Re-Entry Questions

When will I receive my transcript?

After you’ve completed your program abroad, students are mailed an official transcript to TWU. It can take a few months to receive your transcript, so keep that in mind if you need it sooner for any upcoming applications, like nursing or graduate school. 

Are resources available to help me with reverse culture shock when I come home?

Yes! You will participate in a re-entry orientation and there are workshops you can attend to learn how to utilize the skills you’ve gained while abroad in your future. There is also an alumni community with monthly get togethers. 

How do I add my education abroad experience to my resume?

We host a workshop with Career Connections to help with this, along with how to successfully bring it up in interviews and cover letters to highlight the skills gained. 

Page last updated 10:49 AM, March 14, 2024