Featured Graduates

Ambassador gained support network on path to degree

Texas Woman's senior Lauryn Johnson joined many organizations during college. Those communities have opened doors for Johnson and supported her during tumultuous times.

Nurse, breast cancer survivor educating others

Neither PhD candidate Tracy Tyner nor her doctor were too worried when a new mass was discovered on an MRI. Tyner, a nurse practitioner, had been doing everything right: remaining vigilant, scheduling checkups, undergoing biopsies. She was staying on top of it. Then, the radiologist called.

New language, culture added to mom’s challenges

It wasn’t the easiest path for Carmen Natal Coriano to earn a Master of Healthcare Administration. 

Carmen, who is a mother of four children, received her bachelor's of science degree in nursing from Bayamon Central University in Puerto Rico. She moved to Houston in 2016 looking for more opportunities and a better education for her children. 

Father’s bout with cancer inspired nursing degree

An institution that empowers women and has a focus on families drew Khushboo Thanawala to Texas Woman’s to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Near-death experience was inspiration for occupational therapy degree

Hayden Nichols received a Master of Occupational Therapy after nearly dying from a severe head injury. The health care professionals who facilitated his recovery inspired him to become the best person he could be and to work hard and never give up. It took time and a great deal of effort, but Hayden ultimately overcame obstacles and relearned skills and abilities lost from the injury.