Sexual Misconduct & Title IX

Texas Woman’s University (TWU or University) is committed to a safe academic and working environment free from sexual misconduct including but not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. TWU will not tolerate any act of sexual misconduct. Please see our information below on reporting misconduct.  We are here to help.

For a complete copy of the University’s policies governing sexual misconduct visit:

If you think you have experienced any form of sex discrimination or misconduct, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, please report it so that the university can help.  You can file a report with TWU Police in person at the Oakland Complex in Suite 102, by phone at 940-898-2911, or use the online reporting forms. You may also contact TWU’s Title IX Coordinator by visiting Old Main 108, emailing or calling 940-898-2968. There are resources and services available to assist you both on and off campus.

For more information on how the university addresses sexual misconduct please review the university’s Annual Security Report and the Campus Security Authorities information.

Texas Woman’s University Amnesty Statement

As stated in the Student Code of Conduct, amnesty includes:

For Reporting Parties: The University provides amnesty to Reporting Parties who may be hesitant to report incidents to University officials because they fear that they themselves may be accused of minor policy violations, such as underage drinking, at the time of the incident. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or discipline will result.

For Those Who Offer Assistance: To encourage students to offer help and assistance to others, University pursues a policy of amnesty for minor violations when students offer help to others in need. At the discretion of the Director for the Office of Civility & Community Standards or appointed designee, amnesty may also be extended on a case-by-case basis to the person receiving assistance. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or discipline will result.
For Those Who Report and/or Witness Serious Violations: Students who are engaged in minor violations but who choose to bring related serious violations by others to the attention of the University are offered amnesty for their minor violations. Educational options may be explored, but no conduct proceedings or record will result. Abuse of amnesty can result in a decision by the Director for the Office of Civility & Community Standards not to extend amnesty to the same person repeatedly.

Title IX at Texas Woman’s:

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find frequently asked questions regarding our Sexual Misconduct and Title IX policies:

Page last updated 11:25 AM, January 28, 2025