Voter Registration Info

Registering yourself to vote is easy! Stop by the Center for Student Development to pick-up a mail-in registration form or attend one of our many Pioneers Vote events to get registered with a Volunteer Deputy Registrar. You can also visit any of the local election offices to receive further assistance.

Denton County Elections Administration
701 Kimberly Drive, Suite A101
Denton, TX 76208

Harris County Tax Office
1001 Preston St.
Houston, Texas 77002

Dallas County Elections Department
1520 Round Table Drive
Dallas, TX 75247

Remember you must be registered to vote at least 30 days prior to the election you plan to vote in.

Texas Voting Laws allow you as students to use your residence hall address when registering to vote. Below are the addresses for the different residence halls on the Denton Campus you can put for your residence address. NOTE: some residence halls have different mailing addresses than the physical location. Ask the front desk at your residence hall if you are unsure about yours.

Guinn Hall: 420 E. University Drive, Denton, TX, 76204

Stark Hall: 1719 Bell Ave., Denton, TX, 76204

Parliament Village: 703 Administration Drive, Denton, TX, 76204

Lowry Woods: 1600 Oakland Ave., Denton, TX, 76204

Page last updated 9:17 AM, June 6, 2024