A big pioneer welcome to our newly appointed regents

Dear Texas Woman’s Colleagues,

I hope this message finds you well as we wind down a sweltering July.

Gov. Abbott recently announced his appointments to our board. He reappointed Regents Colemen, Jester, and Wu for a six-year term ending in February 2029.

He appointed Ellen Amirkhan to conclude a vacated position with a term ending in February 2027. Regent Amirkhan joins Regents Coleman and McDavid as Texas Woman’s alumna serving on our board.

In June, the governor appointed the 2023-24 student regents, including Jianna Covarelli, who is pursuing a bachelor’s in social work and a bachelor’s in political science with an emphasis in legal studies.

I am delighted to welcome all of our regents to the Denton campus on August 10th and 11th for our next quarterly meetings of the Texas Woman’s Board of Regents.

With a pioneering spirit,

Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D.
Chancellor and President

Page last updated 9:31 AM, July 28, 2023