Boldly Vote!

Dear Texas Woman’s Community,

¡Feliz viernes! Happy Friday! We are upon four days of back-to-back celebrations: 1) Halloween, 2) Toussaint (All Saints Day), 3) Día de los Muertos, and 4) Election Day in the US. In Belgium, Toussaint is a national holiday, and my family marks the day with many rituals.

What I want to focus on today, though, is Tuesday, November 3rd. As many of you have requested, rather than an email about it, I have recorded a short video for you.

I was pleased that Texas Woman’s received national attention related to the Woman’s Suffrage Movement through A Yellow Rose Project by Meg Griffiths, Assistant Professor of Photography in the Department of Visual Art. She put up an installation of her work distributed across the Denton campus in an effort to promote social distancing while engaging with a stunning project that reminds us that the right to vote has been a long-fought struggle for many.

I want to close by providing a few pertinent resources and policies:

  • Section 487(a)(23) of the Higher Education Act (“HEA”) requires institutions to make a good faith effort to distribute voter registration forms and make such forms widely available to students in attendance
  • Pioneers Vote! Make your voice heard — Voting information consolidated in one email
  • All-in Democracy Challenge — A reminder of our commitment to the democratic process
  • On-Campus Free Speech — Helpful FAQs about assembly and free speech at Texas Woman’s
  • Election Season: State Employee Political Activity — Helpful FAQs for employees
  • Unpacking the Election Webinar — Join Civic Engagement interns as they facilitate a discussion around the recent election, including perspective and commentary by some of our political science experts and some coping strategies by Counseling and Psychological Services staff, November 9
  • Cultural TALKS: The Election — Livestream presentation sponsored by Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach, November 10

Today is the last day to early vote in Texas, so if you have not already, you might start this series of holidays early by voting today—if you are able, or close the party down with a vote on November 3. Boldly vote!

I hope you can enjoy the fall weather and recharge your batteries with that extra hour of sleep this weekend: passe un excellent weekend!

With a pioneering spirit,

Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D.
Chancellor and President

Page last updated 5:07 PM, December 19, 2023